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Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:18 am
by Bobrox2000
My first Ninja

Attacker Demon [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: xxx % Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %
Type L. Cargo. L. Fighter B.ship
Number 120 1.000 200
Weapon 12 162 2.668
Shield 74 30 528
Armour 4.125 825 16.500

Defender Bobrox2000 [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: xxx % Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %
Type L. Cargo. B.ship Solar Satellite.
Number 20 2.000 472
Weapon 11 2.040 3
Shield 59 509 22
Armour 3.600 14.400 132

The attacking fleet fires for 697.152 on the defender. The defender shields absord 571.223 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back for 4.081.559 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 144.485 points of damage.

Attacker Demon [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: xxx % Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %
Type B.ship
Number 115
Weapon 2.475
Shield 583
Armour 16.500

Defender Bobrox2000 [x:xxx:xx]
Weapons: xxx% Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %
Type L. Cargo. B.ship Solar Satellite.
Number 18 2.000 213
Weapon 14 2.856 3
Shield 71 533 20
Armour 3.600 14.400 132

The attacking fleet fires for 284.625 on the defender. The defender shields absord 260.733 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back for 5.712.809 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 67.045 points of damage.

Attacker Demon [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: xxx% Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %

Defender Bobrox2000 [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: xxx% Shields: xxx % Armor: xxx %
Type L. Cargo. B.ship Solar Satellite.
Number 18 1.999 194
Weapon 11 2.472 2
Shield 53 461 20
Armour 3.600 14.400 132

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 16.800.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 242.900 units.
A debris field containing 7.487.340 units of Metal and 2.738.400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
A moon has formed around the planet XXXXXXXXXXXX [x:xxx:x] !

Re: Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:19 am
by Weresloth
Nice job and congratulations on your moon

Re: Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:38 am
by Khan
Nice one Bob!

A ninja with a moon. That is sweet.

Re: Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:49 am
by Bobrox2000
Thanks :D :D :D
and he is being a good sport about it too. not one death threat in the messages we have sent.

Re: Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:19 am
by Istalris
Nicely done Bob, though try to stick to the neater format next time. ;)


Re: Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:40 pm
by Bobrox2000
Istalris wrote:Nicely done Bob, though try to stick to the neater format next time. ;)

my fault. next time i will.

Re: Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:55 am
by Belligerant
Bobrox2000 wrote:Thanks :D :D :D
and he is being a good sport about it too. not one death threat in the messages we have sent.
Demon is good player, and AZG seem to be the most picked on.. It would be water off a duck back
to use... Congrats ;) ..

Bellig... :D

Re: Bobrox2000 V.S. Demon [Azguard]

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:15 pm
by Deleted User
AZG are not picked on there are just 100's of them :lol:
