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Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:17 pm
by Khan
Fleeting is getting tougher these days, so I started putting together a new list of targets. Unfortunately for Yonutz, he was the first I came across. A simply spy and fly and a little while later....

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 3,900,814 units of Metal, 1,187,035 units of Crystal and 12,143,883 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 6.280.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 330.739.000 units.
A debris field containing 140.315.400 units of Metal and 61.896.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
A moon has formed around the planet [XX:xxx:OO] !
Report created in 0.00292301177979 seconds

Already had a moon.

Good luck on the rebuild Yonutz!

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:22 pm
by -Death-
Nice Hit again big K..yep almost have to be at the right place at right time to catch someone making a mistake...and then not have a Jump gate be down to wait for it:/

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:37 pm
by Zookon
Very nice hit Khan, respect granted where it's due :)

GLOTR Yonutz


Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:00 pm
by Istalris
I tried him yesterday, he was getting very sloppy, he was normally good at staying safe. Great hit Khan.

Swift rebuild Yonutz!


Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:26 pm
by Paradox
great hit Khan

Everyone, never forget, this is an open hunting ground, no galaxy is safe.... getting sloopy will cost you your fleet - members listen to your elders and fleetsave, fleetsave, fleetsave ...

GLotR Yonutz

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:42 pm
by Squirrel
Khan wrote:Fleeting is getting tougher these days
Tell me bout it mate, all my hits are now cross galaxy hits. I think its time to invest in more mines while the playing field replenishes. Nice hit Bro!

GLotR Defender.

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:09 pm
by Istalris
Squirrel wrote:
Khan wrote:Fleeting is getting tougher these days
Tell me bout it mate, all my hits are now cross galaxy hits. I think its time to invest in more mines while the playing field replenishes. Nice hit Bro!

GLotR Defender.
That's what you gotta love about mining/raiding for a living. My resource flow is constant and high, any fleets i hit along the way are just bonuses. :lol: And i seem to be gaining quite fast on the higher guys.. hmmm.. maybe pure fleeting isn't all it's cracked up to be? ;)


Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:48 pm
by chinatiger
Another great hit Master, enjoy the profits! Glotr Yonutz! Fleeting is probaly getting hard for the to p30 player because there are no good fleets to recycle!

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:05 pm
by Squirrel
Istalris wrote:
That's what you gotta love about mining/raiding for a living. My resource flow is constant and high, any fleets i hit along the way are just bonuses. :lol: And i seem to be gaining quite fast on the higher guys.. hmmm.. maybe pure fleeting isn't all it's cracked up to be? ;)

Well, if you look at the building ranks you will see that fleeting is not my only focus. Plus, I havent spent anything in a week.

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Yonutz [A~O] TD 337,019,000

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:11 pm
by Istalris
Squirrel wrote:
Istalris wrote:
That's what you gotta love about mining/raiding for a living. My resource flow is constant and high, any fleets i hit along the way are just bonuses. :lol: And i seem to be gaining quite fast on the higher guys.. hmmm.. maybe pure fleeting isn't all it's cracked up to be? ;)

Well, if you look at the building ranks you will see that fleeting is not my only focus. Plus, I havent spent anything in a week.
Obviously you are the exception, your building points are nuts. :P
