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SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:48 am
by Squirrel
DF recovered in full.
Attacker Loss: 8.665.000 Defender Loss:1.395.020.600
winnings Metal:28.913.438 Crystal:25.683.309 Deuterium:4.859.245
Debris Metal:589.217.160 Crystal:252.994.200
Follow ups:
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:14.456.719 Crystal:12.841.655 Deuterium:2.429.623
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:7.228.359 Crystal:6.420.827 Deuterium:1.214.811
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:3.614.180 Crystal:3.210.414 Deuterium:607.406
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Profit: 945M
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:05 pm
by Defiant
I would say good hit, but this wasn't malphage's fault - it was zorg.
Let me just briefly explain what happened, as this is very disconcerning for anyone playing this game..
Since yesterday afternoon, malphage was unable to log into his account - just said username and password doesn't exist. He contacted me and i probed his planets - buildings, research and fleets were all still there - but his name/account wasn't!
A couple of us msged zorg admin - only reply i got was "he was probably inactive that's why his account is gone"... i then replied again (we sent a total of roughly 50 msgs) asking what the hell is going on.. with no reply.. now suddenly he's account's back (in the last hour) and now he lost his fleet..
We still haven't heard anything from zorg in connection with this - he had a major fleet and was critical to the game (rubies and been in contact alot with zorg admin) and AZG! How is this possible??
This is unnacceptable and if something is not done about this - i'm afraid zorg won't see us and alot of others again..
Nothing against your hit SOC, it's not your fault.. so congrats on it - just wish it was under different circumstances!
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:10 pm
by Istalris
Amazing profit Squirrel, but this is the kind of thing that really pisses me off.
What the hell is the point in playing this game if we are all at risk of being reset/ slaughtered when we have no control over it? These things just really make me want to quit ZE. It's annoying beyond words..
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:11 pm
by Squirrel
Sorry to hear about that malph! I thought you deleted the account or was reset. Probed your moons, seen your fleet and hit. A little bit slack on Admins part though. GLotR..
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:42 pm
by valadeva
Good Job SOC and GLOTR malphage,
well it did happen for me about 3 or 4 weeks ago, i cant log in on my account too.
i try to send email to admin but the answer is unsatisfy.
thats s**ks ,
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:43 pm
by Khan
Great find and great hit Squirrel!
Malphage: That is terrible. Was that part of the server being down for a while or was that something different? I wouldn't be surprised to hear that this was related to Malpherion's request to have his account deleted.
Even though this is a game, it is terrible to invest so much time developing a fleet and fleestaving it for months, only to have its ultimate fate taken out of your hands by a system glitch or developer mistake or error.
Can't say I blame Squirrel, though. I would have done the same.
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:55 pm
by Paradox
Great battle Squirrel, it was epic indeed - and i missed that hole you left behind ...
Well bad luck happens malphage - we all take calculated risks when playing on line games, either we loose connection, or modem goes blank, or mobile network just can not handle the traffic, or server is down... happened to all of us
Anyway, congratulations Squirrel on the excellent timming, taking the opportunity by the horns, sort to speak and ...the impecable execution ... worth the ~V~ all the way

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:54 pm
by -Death-
Istalris wrote:Amazing profit Squirrel, but this is the kind of thing that really pisses me off.
What the hell is the point in playing this game if we are all at risk of being reset/ slaughtered when we have no control over it? These things just really make me want to quit ZE. It's annoying beyond words..
the profit margin was greatly enhanced since their was no battle techs on malphages behalf as well...from 1 victim of zorg's game engine to another..can't say i wasn't looking at this hit...and not that it probably wasn't gonna be uncovered..but Dom's post in forums that fleet was sitting there probably wasn't a wise thing to say either.
anyhow nice hit..good luck Mal to whatever you decide to do...cause Zorg does not keep track of anything that is built..they won't be able to do anything for ya but give the typical response
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:34 pm
by Sparrow
I must say that the battle was not fair at all, but Squirrel took full advantage of the situation.
The numbers are unbelievable.
*945M Profit!!

“It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it”-General Sparrow
Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:44 pm
by Witchywoman
No it wasn't anything Malphage did... It is a BUG that ZE has yet to have control over. It has happened to 5 players now and seems to only happen when ZE is "down for maintenance". I was able to send in all of Malphage's planet coords that I had
(and rishard's when the same thing happened to him unfortunately nothing was done for him). Guess it means that any of us could just disappear at the next maintenance... I suggest you keep a list of your planets, if they had a moon or not... even the moon size just to give them more info, I also suggest that you have one person you trust, if there is such a thing in this game, have a list of your planets info. In the mean time
I also have the list