Khan the Arsewipe is a Coward
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 4:00 am
Once again Khan the EDITED attacks someone unprovoked.
Even after he promised not to attack me again, what a total prick!
Hope this ******** gets dealt to by the better players.
Im quitting, I wont be paying to support Zorg anymore
AAttacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type L. Cargo. Cruiser B.ship Recycler E. Probe Bomber Solar Satellite. Destroyer. RIP Battlecruiser R. Launcher Light Laser. Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 1.960 164 3.382 2.000 45 216 500 159 2 642 200 40.143 1.025 300 4.481 122 1 1
Weapon 13 1.190 2.575 2 0 2.050 3 5.650 460.000 1.400 222 203 613 2.613 330 6.825 0 0
Shield 59 133 530 27 0 1.288 21 1.338 130.000 1.150 58 66 248 400 1.125 825 4.200 29.000
Armour 3.750 8.125 15.000 3.750 213 18.750 138 27.500 1.875.000 17.500 625 250 1.625 7.500 1.875 25.000 5.000 25.000
The attacking fleet fires EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 23.990.322 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 21.337.083 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type L. Cargo. Cruiser B.ship Recycler E. Probe Bomber Solar Satellite. Destroyer. RIP Battlecruiser R. Launcher Light Laser. Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 744 60 2.430 761 6 190 181 147 2 544 71 15.256 390 119 1.704 106 1 1
Weapon 15 870 2.550 2 0 2.250 3 5.550 425.000 1.698 174 295 544 2.833 375 8.175 0 0
Shield 66 133 430 20 0 1.400 23 1.338 137.500 1.180 53 54 240 525 1.038 833 5.000 25.000
Armour 3.750 8.125 15.000 3.750 213 18.750 138 27.500 1.875.000 17.500 625 250 1.625 7.500 1.875 25.000 5.000 25.000
The attacking fleet fires EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 15.846.394 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 14.871.517 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type B.ship Bomber Destroyer. RIP Battlecruiser Plasma Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 469 93 95 2 226 60 1 1
Weapon 2.250 2.925 4.700 490.000 1.873 8.925 0 0
Shield 525 1.075 1.000 145.000 1.120 743 5.150 21.000
Armour 15.000 18.750 27.500 1.875.000 17.500 25.000 5.000 25.000
The attacking fleet fires for EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 3.712.460 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 3.712.460 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type RIP
Number 2
Weapon 565.000
Shield 110.000
Armour 1.875.000
The attacking fleet fires for EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 1.130.000 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 1.130.000 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 1175326 units of Metal, 5044585 units of Crystal and 4693711 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 47.490.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 463.826.250 units.
A debris field containing 177.197.700 units of Metal and 68.252.250 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
Report created in 0.00803899765015 seconds
Do not post coordinates.
1 Warning for Flaming
Personal information removed by request. - Istalris
Even after he promised not to attack me again, what a total prick!
Hope this ******** gets dealt to by the better players.
Im quitting, I wont be paying to support Zorg anymore
AAttacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type L. Cargo. Cruiser B.ship Recycler E. Probe Bomber Solar Satellite. Destroyer. RIP Battlecruiser R. Launcher Light Laser. Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 1.960 164 3.382 2.000 45 216 500 159 2 642 200 40.143 1.025 300 4.481 122 1 1
Weapon 13 1.190 2.575 2 0 2.050 3 5.650 460.000 1.400 222 203 613 2.613 330 6.825 0 0
Shield 59 133 530 27 0 1.288 21 1.338 130.000 1.150 58 66 248 400 1.125 825 4.200 29.000
Armour 3.750 8.125 15.000 3.750 213 18.750 138 27.500 1.875.000 17.500 625 250 1.625 7.500 1.875 25.000 5.000 25.000
The attacking fleet fires EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 23.990.322 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 21.337.083 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type L. Cargo. Cruiser B.ship Recycler E. Probe Bomber Solar Satellite. Destroyer. RIP Battlecruiser R. Launcher Light Laser. Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 744 60 2.430 761 6 190 181 147 2 544 71 15.256 390 119 1.704 106 1 1
Weapon 15 870 2.550 2 0 2.250 3 5.550 425.000 1.698 174 295 544 2.833 375 8.175 0 0
Shield 66 133 430 20 0 1.400 23 1.338 137.500 1.180 53 54 240 525 1.038 833 5.000 25.000
Armour 3.750 8.125 15.000 3.750 213 18.750 138 27.500 1.875.000 17.500 625 250 1.625 7.500 1.875 25.000 5.000 25.000
The attacking fleet fires EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 15.846.394 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 14.871.517 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type B.ship Bomber Destroyer. RIP Battlecruiser Plasma Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 469 93 95 2 226 60 1 1
Weapon 2.250 2.925 4.700 490.000 1.873 8.925 0 0
Shield 525 1.075 1.000 145.000 1.120 743 5.150 21.000
Armour 15.000 18.750 27.500 1.875.000 17.500 25.000 5.000 25.000
The attacking fleet fires for EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 3.712.460 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 3.712.460 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
Type RIP
Number 2
Weapon 565.000
Shield 110.000
Armour 1.875.000
The attacking fleet fires for EDITED
The defensive fleet fires back for 1.130.000 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 1.130.000 points of damage.
Attacker Khan
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Defender Malpherion
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 1175326 units of Metal, 5044585 units of Crystal and 4693711 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 47.490.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 463.826.250 units.
A debris field containing 177.197.700 units of Metal and 68.252.250 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
Report created in 0.00803899765015 seconds
Do not post coordinates.
1 Warning for Flaming
Personal information removed by request. - Istalris