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VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:36 am
by Torgard
HolyGhost aka VikingSlayer asked me to take his fleet because he was quitting. I obliged. We started out as friends in Vallhala but we ended up going separate ways. Was a good cat and mouse while it lasted. The hits took all 1 million of my light fighters but those have already been rebuilt. :dance:

Total Destruction: 8.762.407.950

The attacker has lost a total of 5.515.981.950 units
The defender has lost a total of 3.246.426.000 units

A debris field containing 2.678.219.460 units of Metal and 2.577.569.550 units of Crystal formed in orbit around the planet.
All DF collected by me.

Good luck in real life HG..

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:45 am
by Pulsar
Ha! I knew it all along! ;)

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:41 am
by Gozar
Yes goodbye was fun...and I do hope life treats you better after your recent tragic RL loss....and don't worry Pulsar so did we... more over when you posted my RIP count in the forums..Just two days after that information was given to Russell...seeing as he was the ONLY player to know...apart from me... I had not been spied since I built the last 7k or told anyone else... 2+2 does = 4

We also knew who Marius was...admittedly only about 2 months ago... Have to say should have guessed earlier...seeing as he sold his account to Mega a year back..As they say you never know who is at the other end of a keyboard...... also goes to prove keep your friends close and your enemies even closer...

See yet again another top account is being bought / swapped in Xtreme...wonder how long before that players fleet ends up in another players shipyard...then again it is a Top 5 account.... it may be someone we all know who can't build an account himself has to buy his way to the top...again...I wait with anticipation...So I will take the opportunity to say Good bye Eugene/Grumpy I wish you all the best, you were a good player....shame to see you go but I know RL took over...and playing more than one universe is time consuming....

Getting side tracked there sorry... Once again wish you all the best hard feelings all part of the game....

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:51 am
by Ozymandias
I understand that real life issues have probably taken away any zest for the game. Once again, my condolences.

A shame as from what I understand, you are/were a great player. We had our differences in the forums but in private communications we always knew it was banter even though others could not see this.

A shame that the account was not v moded and from what I have previously read it seems that a player who does not deserve what you have built up now gets the benefit.

Those who buy their way to the top, gain what others have built, it's a shame.

I hope eventually you do decide to return to the game. This is what Zorg Empire needs, players like yourself.

Once again, my sincerest condolences.

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:17 pm
by Pulsar
Gozar wrote:more over when you posted my RIP count in the forums..Just two days after that information was given to Russell...seeing as he was the ONLY player to know...apart from me... I had not been spied since I built the last 7k or told anyone else... 2+2 does = 4
lol. That made me laugh. If this is true it is pure coincidence, whether or not you believe me.

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:36 pm
by Torgard
Gozar wrote:As they say you never know who is at the other end of a keyboard...... also goes to prove keep your friends close and your enemies even closer...
And we all know what happens to your so called 'Friends'. CRs tell the real truth. ;)

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:02 pm
by Valhalla_Thor
Farewell VikingSlayer.

Short fires burn Bright.
Thanks for granting your fleet to a good guy.

I will be sorry to look at your name for ever being banned.
But we take things as they are given to us without question.

Have a good life.

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:48 pm
by MrSinister
Sad to see another player go. Even sadder to hear about your loss. I hope you sort out RL and find happiness in the end. And now to this:
Torgard wrote:
Gozar wrote:As they say you never know who is at the other end of a keyboard...... also goes to prove keep your friends close and your enemies even closer...
And we all know what happens to your so called 'Friends'. CRs tell the real truth. ;)
I thought you two were best friends? Played together for 5 years or longer in the same alliance. Tight as heck.
And now it's this? Please enlighten us as to what happened to make things come to this enmity? This is Forum and if you start flaming each other publicly we want to know what happened from the start lol.


Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:34 pm
by Gozar
If you are referring to your so called retirement hit Jason...that was your call...You could have had all the resources back as normal...yet it was your choice to call it your as all members of AZGD agreed to rule four...written by Sprog...not me.

4. Always fleetsave... if I, or other members, find that you are not fleetsaving then your fleet will be recycled..etc...

The difference here was I sent you several texts... I even phoned your mobile in America to let you know your fleet had been down 3 updates...only 3 weeks before you had gifted your fleet to Pulsar... ... 19&t=12222...I only did what we have done to many members who have made the same other alliances have...Yet now you decide it does not fit with you... To think of the dozens of times I have texted you to let you know your fleet was down... Only this time you failed to come on line..

I can remember at least 3 times I could have taken that huge fleet you once had that was accidentally lost on the moon deletion... by who ever took over your account you sold.... But I never did.....Personally I don't know why you have chosen your course of action but we both know the truth...and once again to me that is all that matters... I wish you all the best and I am sorry things have turned out the way they have... btw have you had the wedding yet...?... if not... I don't suppose I will be getting an invite

Re: VikingSlayer vs Marius ~ Retirement Hit

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:53 pm
by Pulsar
Gozar wrote: only 3 weeks before you had gifted your fleet to Pulsar... ... 19&t=12222
Gozar, your timeline is way off. I crashed Torgard in October of last year. In December of last year I retired my X fleet to Karl. A week or two after I left X, right around Christmas, was when Torgard's alleged "retirement" occurred.

And just to set the record straight, I was not gifted anything. That hit on Torgard was mine, that hit was a risk, and that hit was earned.