When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

When you fleetave to an acs depot on a team mates moon, always check your mission type is correct.

Select ACS defend, not ATTACK! After the best part of 6 hours trying to contact this team mate, to no avail, this is the result!

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 1.391.223.400 units.
The defender has lost a total of 4.667.200 units.
A debris field containing 387.305.160 units of Metal and 447.443.400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Not only did he lose a fleet, but all the resources that were being carried which was not an inconsiderable amount. These resources have now been lost forever. :naughty:

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

What's on the moon is my business. Thank you. For the record, it was NOT my moon! It was my world. Another mistake, thank you for pointing out that folly also.

The original post was to let other players know that they should check everything they are doing. Not why, what or when.

So all players, please ensure you know what you are doing before clicking for the final time and then leaving the game.

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

mickylove wrote:Has it a genuine mistake it may be worth emailing admin explaining all and copy and paste any msgs they could reverse the results

So when my 1st wife died from cancer...I should just e-mail God and ask him to reverse that should I... get real..if a player makes a mistake that is their fault...why should Zorg or anyone else be held responsible..Who ever sends a fleet should always check the following.. destination mission selected time of arrival..and return time.. Now that aside..why do you think Zorg alocates different colour codes to different mission so without reading you can tell what mission your fleet is on...any player with a fleet that size must have fleet saved a number of times and know that attack missions are in RED and ACS defend are in BLUE... so I am sorry but any reffernce to this blunder is purely down to the sender.. after all how do we not know that Oz did not have fleet returning with resources of his own at that time..thus he would have lost it to the attacker..Sorry but in my opinion I think he did the right thing by defending his own planet/Moon... once again Check you fleet save the onus is on you.... your account your FLEET...your job to keep it safe...as simple as that...

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

Of course everyone should always fleetsave with care, but I really hope there was truly no way to avoid this, in that you had an insane amount of defense on your moon or a fleet returning at just that time... Otherwise, in my book, this is unforgivable.

Edit: oz, if you're going to edit your posts, could you at least leave evidence of it?? You had not, at the time I posted this specified that it was your planet not your moon that was under attack, and now you have gone back and done so retroactively.
Last edited by Pulsar on Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

Pulsar wrote:Of course everyone should always fleetsave with care, but I really hope there was truly no way to avoid this, in that you had an insane amount of defense on your moon or a fleet returning at just that time... Otherwise, in my book, this is unforgivable.
It was not my moon he was fleetsaving to. It was my world.

I spent the best part of 6 hours trying to contact this player. I launched probe attacks at his world on the off chance that he would read his email notifications of being under attack. I tried contacting in game, through PM's, also by social media.

I had offered this player the resources back, I also sent him rubies so that he could exchange the resources for other types in order for him to rebuild. should he accept those resources. He refused the resources and kindly sent the rubies back.

In your book but not mine.

Thanks for your opinion.

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

I agree that we should be careful with how we fleetsave, but why would you come on the forums and indirectly embarrass the player who made a mistake in your own alliance.. I understand you are proud that you were able to defend against such a big fleet. Even though this player was left unnamed, is this really necessary?

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

It has nothing to do with Embarrassing anybody or pride. It was not a massive fleet.

The fact is, this has been a big mistake. If it is so easily made then to pass this on to others before it happens again is the point. There are many newbs in the game. A lot more are staying in the game again now. This is a lesson for it not to happen again.

Furthermore, thanks to Ahilles and less so Pulsar, they have pointed out the other fact that I have missed, that fact being that he was fleetsaving to a world. Two lessons here.

Again, thanks to Ahilles and Pulsar for pointing this out too.