Jim{SK} vs. Dire_Venom{Rouge} - TD = 3,147,244,800

I had started to notice that earlier today his fleet points where increasing but in very small increments. Little fleets that Dire must have fs from his planets began to appear each update. I actually was sending duet to attack him in another galaxy and decided to recall and send it to the galaxy i thought he would fs his main fleet from. I waited for the next update and sure enough the fleet showed up on his moon (surprisingly with very few resources) and i got the roamer and moon ( thanks leon ) and attacked and the results are below :). Had a lot of fun wondering if he was just doing this to ninja my fodder but i guess the risk payed off. Glotr Dire those resources from those small attacks you did on my planets when you first started in extreme should definitely help you regrow :).

Attack Report [X:XXX:X]

Attacker Loss: 360.000.000 Defender Loss:2.787.244.800
winnings Metal:1.052.824 Crystal:479.801 Deuterium:2.085.856
Debris Metal:1.025.795.280 Crystal:862.551.600

all DF collected by me and no follow ups

glotr Dire I'm sure with your raiding you'll be back in no time at all.

Re: Jim{SK} vs. Dire_Venom{Rouge} - TD = 3,147,244,800

Ok just to add to the collection...

Winnings: Metal 5.296.879 Crystal 1.921.223 Deuterium 1.113.014
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 31.920.000 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 72.894.500 units.
Debris Field: Metal 11.158.200 Crystal 15.423.000
Info: A moon has formed around the planet [x:xxx:x] !

Jim Decided to be nice and bash his bcs against my defenses. obviously someone didnt sim :)

This was followed by a number of bashes from Torguard. (while sprog was crashing me)

Small warning please reframe from posting planet cords on forums...I have removed this time

Re: Jim{SK} vs. Dire_Venom{Rouge} - TD = 3,147,244,800

Now heres something for your wall of shame :)

Winnings: Metal 4.101.057 Crystal 1.849.319 Deuterium 20.310.246
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 11.495.073.000 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 12.400.210.000 units.
Debris Field: Metal 6.967.422.900 Crystal 6.219.591.900

You obviously didnt sim.... :P Jim decided to attack my fleet while it was down.
I collected 9.2 bill of the df and him 4 bill. Pretty big losses for both of us, especially jim since i got most of the df. :naughty: Please go get some lessons from sprog, he seems the only player (other than gozar) able to make a clean hit.