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Crasher (Pirates) Vs Agent (n7a) (TD 752.147.000)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:24 am
by Crusher
It was a lazy day and suddenly I saw some light around, lols just kidding, nothing much of a big story new name pop up on the screen, Agent ( who is he ) all of a sudden big leap and also saw fleets on the ground, with quiet a few building and fleet points. scanning him and found to be a old player know him well but was surprised to see him come back after ages and also joining an alliance:)

Well Found his fleets send the roamer around it , thanks to BlackBart who provided instant moons and the rest is history:

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 29.166.667 units of Metal, 29.166.667 units of Crystal and 17.123.332 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 752.147.000 units.
A debris field containing 219.543.900 units of Metal and 228.240.300 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Follow ups :
You receive 56.042.198 units of Metal, 16.085.230 units of Crystal and 8.280.833 units of Deuterium.
You receive 28.042.198 units of Metal, 8.085.230 units of Crystal and 4.280.833 units of Deuterium.
You receive 14.021.099 units of Metal, 4.042.615 units of Crystal and 2.140.417 units of Deuterium.
You receive 7.010.550 units of Metal, 2.021.308 units of Crystal and 1.070.208 units of Deuterium.

df collected:
You collect; 219.543.900 units of Metal and 228.258.300 units of Crystal.

Re: Crasher (Pirates) Vs Agent (n7a) (TD 752.147.000)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:22 pm
by Sprog
Nicely done....enjoy the spoils :D

Glotr Agent

Re: Crasher (Pirates) Vs Agent (n7a) (TD 752.147.000)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:57 pm
by DuctTape
twas an easy moon :o
nice find Mate, it sat for 2 updates before the hit :D

Re: Crasher (Pirates) Vs Agent (n7a) (TD 752.147.000)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:17 pm
by zero1
nice one again mate
glotr agent , i underestand what u feel really good :P :lol:

Re: Crasher (Pirates) Vs Agent (n7a) (TD 752.147.000)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:38 pm
by Crusher
lols Zero, if fleet down for long do you think that it will stay around no na simple rules keep your fleets in the Air lolss