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Grim-reaper (HC) vs OrionRising (EP) TD: 961,202,800

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:27 pm
by blobby
A little cheeky from grim-reaper basically launched at me earlier and was to busy to ninja him then he launched again so jumped across the rest of my fleet sustained heavy damages but got the DF anyway.

Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 611.400.000 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 349.802.800 units.
Debris Field: 300.436.080 metal 276.285.600 crystal

Re: Grim-reaper (HC) vs OrionRising (EP) TD: 961,202,800

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:47 pm
by Sprog
Nice ninja there Grim......glotr Orion