HELLBOY Vs. LordBoethiah TD: 119,558,550

Commanders came and went, day and night. Sleep was a thing unknown to me. So many matters, so many concerns flew before my eyes as I wearily gave order after order. Being an emperor was hard work! But it was fun as hell.

The damned moment came when fate itself intervened. Fate came to me and forced me to step away from my beautiful fleet. Fate clouded my mind, it made me leave that which I loved. But my mind broke free and I raced to get back to my beloved fleet, but it had been ripped from me.

Even as I watched the debris fall through the green skies I couldn't help but smile. So much death, it was such bloody fun watching the carcasses of my ships plummet. New ships were already on the way, and these ships would cause even more death and carnage before they meet their eventual end.

Winnings: 4.162.500 4.162.500 1.281.425
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 600.000 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 118.958.550 units.
Debris Field: 36.598.080 35.137.050
Info: The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

4 attacks followed collecting my precious resources

Nice hit HELLBOY, GLOTR on your tiny losses XD just remember, I'll be back and I'll get you one day. Hey, we all need our goals right?