Gumppy(NoOne) VS chuck(Pirates) TD 5,393,457,550

Just a small more than 2 or 3 books lets get started.I always tell people i have a nap with its theirs until they wish to end it and they know how to do so.So last week papa smurf got me on some res n few ships sittin on a moon.Now i would love to say i just forgot about em but i do this all the time.So chuck must have decided it was time for some sport fishing and followed suit. god that movie cracks me the race began as they say.

was just kidding on the book thing of course took a few MDs but uncovered his remaining aircraft

never complained and i know you will rebuild so no need to add insult with that GlotR stuff.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 101.153.591 units of Metal, 77.984.061 units of Crystal and 12.823.294 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 5.393.457.550 units.
A debris field containing 1.529.450.130 units of Metal and 1.697.120.100 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

You collect; 1.529.450.130 units of Metal and 1.697.123.100 units of Crystal.
Last edited by -Death- on Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Gumppy(NoOne) VS chuck(Pirates) TD5,393,457,550

Cokey Smurf wrote:not a legit hit... not more respect for you either. you know as well as i do what i mean. your honor is gone and it truly saddens me.

i will start saying nice hit gumpys actualy was not a result of our un named rat i do believe he popped 2 or 3 inactive moons to find my fleet he may have been steered in the right direction by one of his team mates but i do not know for sue\re and i did break the nap i lost this for a few mil res wow what a trade
Dont fear death welcome it...