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AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:23 am
by Volpino
Long time I have not post any hit as the “Automatic Spy” shows it in blink of an eye,
I believe that spoiled all fun posting in the forums.
The reason I am posting this hit is just because I got one of the slippery players in
Extreme, after I crashed a couple of hundreds Rips last week, I started looking more
careful his moves, I even told him I would give 1 update time to log in and contact,
meanwhile I would show activity probing his colonies, the reason I was giving him a
chance is just because many times we had a sort of cooperation, never a NAP which
I believe kills the game.

Saw the fleet in ranks, found it divided, he had 85 k recs+ 110 Ecs on the Moon+ 3.5 mil
deut, well if that was a bait was very badly executed,recs+ecs and no resources....., knowing
he is a master in setting Ninjas I thought was a mistake, meanwhile I had contacted Skirmish
asking for Recs support we both colonized and I attacked the main fleet on he planet and the
Recs on the Moon at the same time, sent only one follow up as I was in hurry due a telephone

Hannah, you were one of the hardest targets I have hit, as I always say to new fleeters: “be ready as **** happens”, the story is below …..


The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 112.347.500 units of Metal, 112.347.500 units of Crystal and 112.347.500 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 3.321.460.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 10.231.686.250 units.
A debris field containing 4.125.556.650 units of Metal and 3.972.864.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

The battle ends in a tie !
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.544.825.500 units.
A debris field containing 568.962.000 units of Metal and 355.131.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 112.347.500 units of Metal, 28.050.882 units of Crystal and 15.813.204 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 13.503.000 units.
A debris field containing 0 units of Metal and 0 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

All DF collected, Thank's Skir for the Recs support and MS

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:50 am
by lordaragon
Sorry to spoil ur hit but he let u hit him...

He was talking about leaving Zorg for some time already...

Wont say more since he might come on and sad few words himself.

Anyway Glotr hannah and nice hit anyway...Was pleasure to meet U.

See ya...

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:13 am
by Volpino
Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Unread postby lordaragon » Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:50 am
Sorry to spoil ur hit but he let u hit him...
Buddy you can not spoil the Adrenaline we fleeters feel during a Hit, that's what really matters if you are hunter.

I just hope Hannah changes his mind, we lost a lot of great players lately

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:49 am
by SPY
Too bad to see an ex alliance mate to leave that spoil down that way.

i am glad volopino got to him first. its good business to have the spoils in the house. I am sure if he had let the attack slide that way he would have said something to volopino by now.

anyways good recycling buddy. i am sure the spoils will be used for better use. :)

In case u are thinking of leaving the game Hannah think over it one more time.

in any case i will always extend my glotr to you.

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:07 am
by sasuke
ha ha..nice hit...been think of leaving...i hated having to wait 3 updates before seeing ur mobile..was wondering wat took u so long to come for the hit...anyway, the game has been losing its appeal to me in the last few weeks..and i was thinking of leaving...its been boring to new, same old wars...
was thinking of giving it to gozar...wanted to crash some of his ships in the process...but that dude is always on...

well thanks to all everyone who made this game worth playing and also those who pmed me...thor,sprog,hellboy, mention a few....

and a special thanks to my mentor, friend, partner, and the best man i've ever worked with...Lordaragon...

i will miss u all...

p.s volpino...u never crashed me on both counts...rips and fleet...i was on the whole time...was just asking myself whether or not to move the fleet or not....u still have a lot to learn though...starting from ur safety probe check... :idea:

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:21 pm
by Volpino
I am afraid you are right about the probe check,(pity you leaving you could give me some advises)
with my connection that was the best I could do:

Raw Materials colony [x:x:x] at 10-11-2012 22:07:02
Metal 954.777.366 Crystal 336.752.161
Deuterium 238.851.622 Energy 150.806

Sat 10 Nov 2012, 22:07:22 Control Tower Attack Report

Attack Report [x:x:x]

I wonder why took you so long to PM me after hit :

I left the coords as is (was) his main

Sat 10 Nov 2012, 22:25:56 hannah [3:8:5] No subject ReplyReply Chat ModeChat
wxx xxx xxx xxxxe..

PS: About the time I needed to colonize was due my commitment of attacking you if no answer after the 2nd update,
as many I hope you will return..bye for now and good luck in whatever you decide to do :D

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:12 pm
by Kristal
Great hit there buddy :)

i was online the whole time , saw the MS on ScoreBoard as it was just refresed took a while till you 2 guys got your Moons , and after 5-10min i saw the DF on hannah`s planet , tought it was an ACS , but the PM from AoD and the Top Battle said something else :))

Nice hit Aod , enjoy the spoils !

Too bad hannah is going blue , it was a guerilla war he was doing , and a good fleeter

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:01 pm
by sasuke
well volpino... i didn't get good at fleeting without cost...both on my time and money...there were days i had to go out at 2 am in the night to fleetsave my fleet...days my connection timed out and was out for hours at a stretch...
i might have lost the fleet before but i built a reputation and that protects too...

well on the advice i would prefer not to point it out here, but then not everyone has guts to do it...
1, ur too predictable...
2, it only take 3mill l.f to take out ur fleet which will be as usual all ur and a little fodder...
3, ur rec will hit 5-8 mins after the hit is done...

i was hoping my alliance pl would help me raise the resources to build the l.f(of course i would buy them with rubies)so i could teach u a lesson in fleeting before someone from the azquard did...but as usual the pl can't fight as 1...even when it does profit us...

so this are a few chinks in ur armor...try and fix em...cause building 190k from scratch will be very difficult..esp when u hit the 100k mark...
i'd say fear they guys who hunt and built there fleets from scratch..they are the most dangerous....and this is my most importance piece of advise...BEWARE OF THE ONE CALLED CONTRUGA....
even i fear him...

Re: AngelofdeatH [EZT] - Hannah [PL] TD=13,553,146,250

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:05 am
by Volpino
Thank's Sasuke, I never thought so ahead, now I see... :ugeek:

I am simulating what I need to beat 3.000.000 LFs, please be free to check
if the number is right, what ever is over 1.0000.000 I just name it a lot....

PS: I have the Simulation, all I need now is my buddies start milking me so

I can build a proper attacking fleet :oops: