Kuddlez[BOSS] vs Gozar[AZGD]~TD~17.869.134.000

I would like to start with... I did try and talk Kuddlez out of this... He first contacted me about a week ago saying he was thinking of retiring... I suggested he played for awhile before making his decision...

The following is his answer.. Kaleb wished to leave ZE with as bigger bang as he could... well bro you leave this game that you made your own in the Turtle department... The games biggest shell... Not even I could crack that shell and make a profit.. you end up 7th in the Top Ten hits of all time... but remain the Top turtle for ever..

Kaleb and I go back a long way...he even stopped me quitting awhile back... I and all of ZE will miss you.

I wish you luck in all you do... and a fond farewell..

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 15.902.100.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.967.034.000 units.
A debris field containing units of Metal and 4.662.036.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

The required e-mails have been sent to ZE...enjoy your freedom... bro

Re: Kuddlez[BOSS] vs Gozar[AZGD]~TD~17.869.134.000

Gozar has followed the rules, didn't you read his post?
"The required e-mails have been sent to ZE...enjoy your freedom... bro"
Don't you know what that means?
Procedures have been followed, a legend has left the building and you decide to troll some....
What a douchebag .....

Go and enjoy RL, i know we'll see you back ,Kuddlez ;)
Last edited by MrSinister on Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Kuddlez[BOSS] vs Gozar[AZGD]~TD~17.869.134.000

logged wrote:Well Good luck in the real life mate and nice feeding on Gozar lol and now let's see if Kuddlez account will be deleted due to the retirement rule .....
Another quality quote from Logged the hypocrite! Everything was done within Zorgs guidelines before you start preaching rules and regs.....best you start looking in the mirror b4 pointing the finger Keep cheating accusations between you and the administration.-DR!!! :D