Gozar[AZGD] vs matts21[-PL-]~TD~1,096,097,500

Simple spy and fly...Due to the distance (deut available reduce the amount of fleet I could send) plus the large amount of LF (over 100k) he had.. I suffered a few losses, but profit none the less...

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 16.406.898 units of Metal, 10.663 units of Crystal and 2.570.991 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 142.150.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 953.947.500 units.
A debris field containing 375.725.400 units of Metal and 281.933.100 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

follow ups..

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:8.203.449 Crystal:5.331 Deuterium:1.285.495
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:4.101.725 Crystal:2.666 Deuterium:642.748
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

all DF collected..

Glotr matts..