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God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:14 pm
by God_of_Death
after a long hunt or his off/afk times i got him hahahaaaa 8-)

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:727.324.200
winnings Metal:66.715.000 Crystal:66.715.000 Deuterium:13.726.873
Debris Metal:135.481.620 Crystal:95.070.900

Attacker Loss: 11.730.000 Defender Loss:240.479.500
winnings Metal:63.330.491 Crystal:71.989.375 Deuterium:6.869.609
Debris Metal:2.382.000 Crystal:4.656.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:172.956.000
winnings Metal:31.665.245 Crystal:35.994.763 Deuterium:3.444.136
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

all df recycled lol lets hope right now there are still 7 mil in the air

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:16 pm
by logged
Very nice hits mate ..

And GLOTR Stempf hope you will rebuild soon more :P :P :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:17 pm
by Crusher
nice hit mate

Glotr Stempf

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:18 pm
by God_of_Death
an important lesson learned- never rely on def or on proximity to the top players you never know when an idiot sends 40 systems away just because he has balls of steel

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:36 pm
by Thinman
wow. nice hit
glotr Stempf

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:48 pm
by Stempf
i didnt rely on def. had i relied on def that would have been sitting there for 12 hours. I just couldnt wake up. Been under the weather for a few days, guess my body said not getting up today. had a 10.5 hour fs and woke up at 11.5 hours later. As for my afk times. they are all over the place. you just seen my fleet score was big and located and then scanned 61 times then sent a pm. you had no clue if i was on or not. target was just too tempting for you not to try.

Good hit however. Very nice profit.

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:52 pm
by chuck_da_reaper
good hit ... glotr friend wont take you long

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:48 pm
by God_of_Death
Stempf wrote:i didnt rely on def. had i relied on def that would have been sitting there for 12 hours. I just couldnt wake up. Been under the weather for a few days, guess my body said not getting up today. had a 10.5 hour fs and woke up at 11.5 hours later. As for my afk times. they are all over the place. you just seen my fleet score was big and located and then scanned 61 times then sent a pm. you had no clue if i was on or not. target was just too tempting for you not to try.

Good hit however. Very nice profit.

allow me to explain what actually happened as i see you are not convinced of the facts

over 3 times both me and logged saw your fleet there during those times
once you pmd logged that you just came online and that he should not send

the 61 scans were the results of 3 reasons combined

1) i sent into the lions mouth itself rj was 1 system away and you had a few players close to you
2) the option of a blind lanx if you were to contact higher ranking players
3) the option of a ninja using the res on the planet combined with your lvl 10 nanite
all this said i had to keep you under constant control as i sent 3 waves

and no i had no clue if you were on or not but it seems my assumption on this matter proved right ...

as a side not i would like to point out

this was not the first time when you fraked up your fs

you had a pattern of fsing to that planet

and more than that

you indeed had faith on your def as your fleet was there for quite some time

all these facts have been talked over in my alliance and honestly you just need to find an excuse for your patterns . Glotr i hope it won't take long cause i enjoy a good hunt

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:50 pm
by _Wrath_
It's a good hit either way. Well played as usual GoD, and a big GlotR to you Stempf

Re: God_of_Death (HELLSING) vs Stempf(RENEGADES) 1 bil+

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:37 pm
by Stempf
actually i wasnt fsing to that planet, i was sending the res their for my next research. i meant to get up 5 hours earlier and put the research in production. then fs the fleet. however i missed. As for the fleet, it was being moved from where perses had popped my moon the day before. You were at the right place at the right time and I way way way way way over slept. dont know why i slept nearly 12 hours but i did. guess a 10 hour fleet save dosent work if you oversleep that long. However its all good as I havent even really started building a fleet yet. waiting till i get back from vacation till i do. You got my ms and md for new ms fleet. I am going to miss my recs though. Oh well. new fleet is on the horizon. and when i build that fleet. hunt well my friend hunt well. ~ stares off at the new ships being built in the ship yards ~ :)