Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

joshanddrew wrote:lol im pretty sure gummppy heard that from his uncle but his uncle was quoting abraham lincoln
Old Honest Abe would tell you he heard it from Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain who is the person credited with originating that quote.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

I agree that this player should be banned although I'm starting to beleive that admins here take it a bit slow with stuff,(reported someone for attacking a planet more than 5 times in 24hrs and still awaiting reply,oh well maybe they are busy I said...).

Rule no2 states this:
Bug exploitation
You must not take advantage of any bug found. You have to report bugs immediately to game administration/forums.

Knowing or not knowing he should play by the rules.Players should read rules before playing online games.If they cant be bothered to do so than admins shouldnt be bothered to keep their account active.I never cheat or exploit bugs so it piss me off when I see this kind of crap.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

No one's asked the question that's been burning on my mind. Level 11 nanite, level 22 shipyard, what kind of build times did that give?

Ok, seriously, MOB is the most naive player I have ever seen and I've played a few of these. I can't believe for a second, he and his pals all sat around and no one talked about his meteoric rise. So he had to know something was amiss. Then he assumes if he plays dumb, he can get away with it. If it wasn't a bug, then he still assumed it would go unoticed. Doesn't really matter if it's a bug or he cheated. He assumed wrong. It's an insult to everyone playing that he thought he could continue when something was so very wrong. Did he really think his skilz were so awesome that he could skyrocket into the top 10 overnight? Did he think we were all asleep and no one would notice?

Hats of to SOC and the other players who spotted this and put a stop to it.