Re: the_templar[rawk[vs curtis[alpha~omega]

Curtis listen to the wisdom of a vet like Istalris - no turtle shell is actually what is to be portrayed as - when the mirror is broken, welll..

it is only the question of time for turtle to face a barrel of IPMs - few 100k of them - whatever the underlying reason for attacker(s) to do so ..

well i agree to a degree that mines do make longterm investment but points you receive do not do them justice (vets would, of course, like you to think so), thus building a decent fleet would be a good balancing - just have a look at me - two months younger then those, so called "safe & boring" , it is a way to get noticed ...

W000t i did say that - ouch - all G4+ - show them what you are made of :)

Re: the_templar[rawk[vs curtis[alpha~omega]

Yes, as Paradox said, having a fair fleet to balance it out would be smart. It could also satisfy you itch for a good smash every now and then. If you play this style you should use your fleet to raid constantly, farming inactives/noobs whatever, just pull in the money. It is a very stress free approach, should you be so completely inept you can't keep a small raiding fleet safe, it can be easily rebuilt within a day, probably a couple of hours if your mines are decent.

Listen to the advice curtis, infrastructure is the key! If you are constantly being crashed, which you seem to be doing a fair bit :P , at least you will have something to fall back on.

In regards to Belligerant, the last time i looked his shell wasn't as big as mine, and mine took what? 2 maybe 3 hours of IPM's from just 3 players? He will get what's coming to him, it's just a matter of time before people realise the profit he has sitting.


EDIT- I tidied up the title a little for ya! Sorry, neatness freak. :D
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...