Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Crazyhorse[MoC]~TD~ 17.343.866.850

Good hit/bad move/personal choice thats all i have to say about this hit.

Anyways. I think what volpino suggested it has been discussed at a length by many players over time. Great /Not so great/novic/noob/expert/regular/irregular all types of players have shouted out this one thought over time at least once. Mods can go and dig up those threads if you want but those are there.

What I am trying to point out is that establishing a taxi fee is not illogical. It just was never been worked with to find a viable solution. Why? Mainly because the best minds of this game are basically fleeters as they last longest and plays longest. And "most" of them are totally selfish/egotistic personalities. I do mean there are some great minds who are truly amazing personality but that number has always been low. For that reason alone we never found the dedicated mind to find a proper solution to taxi fee problem.

Why do we need taxi fee?
Simple reason it makes leaving the fleet down risky.

How much should a player be charged?
It needs to be something that can not be ignored easily. for 1 million point fleet it usually takes roughly around 3-4 million deut for a fleet save of +10 hour. simple equation cut off deut at the same rate.
for fairness we can have a tabbed rate.
For example
1st hour it will cost 10% of total fs charge.
2nd hour it will cost 20% of total fs charge.
3rd hour it will cost 30% of total fs charge.
4th hour it will cost 40% of total fs charge.
5th hour it will cost 50% of total fs charge.
6th hour it will cost 60% of total fs charge.
7th hour it will cost 70% of total fs charge.
anything more than 7 hours will cost 80% of the fleet save rate cost.

about what sloth added. This taxi fee can be charged with offensive fleets only. if a fleet comprises of any of the attack ships it will cost taxi fee. In that list I will nominate the following ships.

Light Fighter
Heavy Fighter
Lunar Guardian

Players opposing this suggestion will give different EXCUSES not logic. Anyone who knows the value of fleet will have no issue with this. This will only make this game more interesting nothing less.

PS: Was super bored at work.... thought i will get in. I think you fail to appreciate a good suggestion by a really great player like Volpino here.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Crazyhorse[MoC]~TD~ 17.343.866.850

FleetHound wrote:Nice hit Gozar, as always. I hope to see Ray return to the game someday. This is how the fall of AZGD begins.. lock this thread.

I don't know how this single hit can be the demise of AZGD. It just shows the sheer power within our alliance. Sure, sure, you have fleet too, But when is being used? I don't see those hits, at all. ;)

I did see 'Ray' back for a short period but sadly he has gone inactive again.