Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (AoD) (B*tch-slap hits) TD: 199

logged wrote:Lol Doc you offend it me in my own language i just made you newb i didn;t insulted you how you did to me and really doc do you really think that if you did that i can;t do it lol i admit i make def bashing but hey i don;t lose my ships lol ...i don;t sacrifice my ships just to make def bash and it is a lesson for me to build from now one only plasma cannon and not light lasers or others...and about sinister you tried sin for 3 times to do it i crushed always your rip;s 3 rips crashed with no lose on me and last night when i was at a party you attacked me and sacrificed one rip...i don't think that i am doing the same no stay chill you and doc are safe from me on def bashing i will wait to see your fleet down and hit just that i won;t def bashing none of you i will just wait ...time is all on this game :P...and doc you can be banned because you spamed me some weeks ago with 200 probes you attacked me on every planet with 1 probe and in total 200 attacks on 2 different days i don;t know why do you attack with probes but it is your way ...i recycled all the df and made plasma cannon and from now one i will build just plasma ...i learned my lesson about the defense :-j ...and that aren;t hits to post lol that show that you are newbs you post what a rip crushing in my defenses :-j....we will meet again on the battlefield and i hope to be fleet on fleet :P....

My insult was WAY LATER than yours... When I was already pissed off!
Yes, you do not lose ships with D/B, but losing single RIP is way cheaper than launching your fleet (even in the same system).
Attacking you with probes few weeks ago? Really? I don't remember doing that! I've attacked DrReaper that way (few weeks ago), if you admit that it's your account - OK, I'm guilty!
And yes, I'm waiting for you.

logged wrote:One or two more things i am not a bully and none of what you say i just play the game it is a war game many players who was my targets understood that you and a few more just can;t understand that is a war game and attacks and crushing is a part of the game made that personal with me and it will be personal even if i need to stay and only attack you i will do that if you don;t stop offend me for nothing and crying like a b....h for don;t know what reasons ...and stop acting like a newb please and just play the game that is what all wants...i know you hate me i dunno why but keep your sentiments away from me ok?....
You play the game? I do exactly the same.
The only difference is that you do not try to understand how the game works, and how you can use it as an advantage... You seems to prefer bruteforce...
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.

Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (AoD) (B*tch-slap hits) TD: 199

nooooooooooooob :lol: how dare you attack for no profit- have you got no ethics man- shame on you if you do that- you should be ashamed of your acts- its like you only want to turn them into farms or lvl their def so they won't build to much and so... how dare you do that- and more than that why do you want the first place in attackers noob- shame on you for recycling those df nob!!! you really are a jerk of a player its like a 10 mil guy would attack a 50k player fust for the fun of it-that never happened in the world and now you come here and think you can do what you want??? noob- you tell him doc- he is a nob jerk

I highly recommend pissing yourself followed by a course of praying to your impotent god.

Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (AoD) (B*tch-slap hits) TD: 199

:boohoo: Lol it looks like I came late to the party.

To summarize, all those HUGE posts...

DrWho, sacrificed a couple rips to make BIG damaged to Logged.


Now its basically Sinister, DrWho, and Logged throwing insults at eachother. Which, I don't really care. I'm having fun reading these posts. Seriously, tis better then reality tv. :lol:

It's a war game. We are all going to get hit sooner or later. Logged DEMOLISHED like 80% of my fleet when I looked away for 5-10 minutes on my birthday, to eat some pizza and open my presents. But he got lucky. I understand it's a game. It PROBABLY wasn't personal; even if it was, its the internet so la la la.

Please do keep my entertainments coming. Much love to everyone. Though some of the posts are kinda hard to read, since they are massive paragraphs... :dance: