Istalris wrote:It amazes me how totally clueless some people can get. If you see profit you take it. Rank means nothing.

You're not going to get anywhere in the game if you see a nice lump of res somewhere then think, nahhh i wont hit that because his number is better than mine.

As i am sure gumppy knows, if you are unprofitable, you wont be hit (most of the time). This game is about profit and progression people! Grow some nuts!

Nice work Dj, keep it up!
I agree. If it is profitable and you got the balls to do it. Do it.

We all know that the long term profitability of attacking Gump usually is not worth it.

This hit was NOT just about profitability. It is about counting coup on the top player in the game.

DJman is not the first. Those who have preceded him have all felt the wrath of Gump's retribution.

Most are cautious enough to consider their long term interests, as were you. I don't remember you posting any hits on Sadbutrue or SOC or Mintaka either.

When someone comes along with the balls AND the skill to evade Gump, I think people will be more impressed.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh


Khan wrote:
Most are cautious enough to consider their long term interests, as were you. I don't remember you posting any hits on Sadbutrue or SOC or Mintaka either.
the only 1 was the ninja on SoC and i had to think long and hard on posting that 1..but figured i was already being hunted at that point!

out of sight out of mind is the best way to go until you are big enough to not only handle the retribution but strike back.

Only when i reached the point of hit n runs on Overload flyfoot and eventually LoW did i begin to put the heat on them to raise their fleet count...takes time,time,and more time to reach that point

i watched firemanbill take a stab at mintaka..2 days later he was fleetless..i like to learn from other mistakes as well as my own..thats why i post the hits the way i do..there is lessons to be learned in all those stories..up to the reader to find them!(and some are pretty straight forward)


gumppy wrote:
Khan wrote:
Most are cautious enough to consider their long term interests, as were you. I don't remember you posting any hits on Sadbutrue or SOC or Mintaka either.
the only 1 was the ninja on SoC and i had to think long and hard on posting that 1..but figured i was already being hunted at that point!

out of sight out of mind is the best way to go until you are big enough to not only handle the retribution but strike back.

Only when i reached the point of hit n runs on Overload flyfoot and eventually LoW did i begin to put the heat on them to raise their fleet count...takes time,time,and more time to reach that point

i watched firemanbill take a stab at mintaka..2 days later he was fleetless..i like to learn from other mistakes as well as my own..thats why i post the hits the way i do..there is lessons to be learned in all those stories..up to the reader to find them!(and some are pretty straight forward)
LOl, well I was talking about Istaltris. I never even probed guys with bigger fleets unless they were hunting me and I wanted to see where and what their fleet was up to.

I think Mintaka hit Fireman Bill on his return from an attack on another big fleet at the time, LOW or Res. Excepting my epic phail against Belligerant, most of my hits were low risk. You and Sad were always the two guys with the biggest grapefruits.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh


foolishness or bravery... seems the jury iz stil ou on that one.... lol..
all the people who have posted comments.. ty..
i did wat i did for a few reasons..
a decent profit was one of them..
sum1 said after the attack gumps will be at ma tail at all times.. well.. he sure is.. but he waz alwaz after me[perks of being his neighbour]..
he got ma fleet a few weeks ago and i jus wanted to hit back.. i knw it wont make much of a diff to him.. but now i can proudly say i hit gumps eventhou it was a very small hit.. even if he gets ma fleet a dozen times i wud be happy i got him once..
sum of you guyz who think they are safe as long as they do not provocate the big hitters cant be more wrong.. this game dosen work that way.. evry1s a target.. where eva there is profit to be made they will strike..
one more thing i learnt from the strike.. gumps can be hit too.. he ninja`d ma fleet wen i was learnin and got ma fleet on lanx n timed the attack to perfection.. i was scared o gumps.. now im not..
i was tutored by sum of the largest fleeters in the game and they would have done wat i did..
and being chased all around the galaxies by zorgs largest fleeter is fun..
its betta to die in glory rather than rot in the shadows...
@gumps dont mention it.. il build more sats.. u can drop by later... ;)

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.


good job dj u actually got something out of gumps i would expect it otherwayu18 he 0 but great job ..............................

GLOTR gumps u prob wont need it ull have10 times that in abt 0secs .......but great job dj

EDIT- u need balls and brains in this game u needto think abt how u gonna get that profit with losing as little as possible. and have the guts to go for it saw wat he could take, took it cause he had the balls to, so be glad for'm dont criticize so much u all........dont hate appreciate.......i dont see anyone else hitting gumps and actually gettin something.......great job dj
Most people say im on a boat, but im on a damn PLANE!!! catch me now!!!


Khan wrote:
LOl, well I was talking about Istaltris. I never even probed guys with bigger fleets unless they were hunting me and I wanted to see where and what their fleet was up to.
Oh i probed them, just never hit them. :P The only profit i saw from those guys was sat on top of a JG and way too trap-tastic for my liking. And yeah, i realise that my probings eventually bought the wrath of the Squirrel upon me... but that was just me being lazy with my fleetsaves.

The way i figure it, better to keep tabs on my "enemies" hammer and adjust my own accordingly, it almost worked, given another couple weeks on the growth i was doing and i would have been unhittable. Ah well, you win some you lose some eh?
Khan wrote:You and Sad were always the two guys with the biggest grapefruits.
I agree, in Sad's words, i was a timid *** fleeter. (I call it can't-be-bothered-to-hunt syndrome)
djmanj wrote: @gumps dont mention it.. il build more sats.. u can drop by later... ;)
I had to lol at that one. Keep it safe bro, if you survive, THEN you'll earn some major respect. ;)
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...