Re: klizac[~V~] vs Defiant [AZG] TD 1.446.450.000

You know, the second version of Klizac doesn't post anything like the first version of Klizac. The sentence structure, the syntax, even the attitude are totally different.

So who's flying the Klizac empire now? :shock:

Good hit though.

Re: klizac[~V~] vs Defiant [AZG] TD 1.446.450.000

Klizac2 wrote:SBT is right. Why people make comments out side of topic? Ok from now on I will just post CR or just stop post. This game is being destroyed by personel remarks . :(

Glotr again Defiant
No denial. Interesting. It appears another person has gained a top account. Not earned. Not won. Just handed to them. How insulting to the rest of us.

GLOTR Defiant.

Re: klizac[~V~] vs Defiant [AZG] TD 1.446.450.000

Slash wrote:
Klizac2 wrote:SBT is right. Why people make comments out side of topic? Ok from now on I will just post CR or just stop post. This game is being destroyed by personel remarks . :(

Glotr again Defiant
No denial. Interesting. It appears another person has gained a top account. Not earned. Not won. Just handed to them. How insulting to the rest of us.

GLOTR Defiant.
What makes this more disgusting is the person makeing remarks is a Moderator.. The Zorg representative who is meant to stop this kind of behaviour. You are bringing the game into disrepute.

2nd I have always understood that nothing should be believed untill it has been offically denied. I will not rise to these remaks. I will allow my game play to speak for me. All I tried to do was make my postings a little more interesting.

END. please close this post.

Re: klizac[~V~] vs Defiant [AZG] TD 1.446.450.000

Just because I'm a moderator doesn't mean I can't express an opinion. You sir are not Klizac. Your first post is bogus. You lost no other account.

Call on SBT to defend something that isn't defensible. Call on false indignation that my posts are somehow offensive to the community and an affront to the Zorg community. You are the affront to the community. Just another low ranking player that scabbed an account. You didn't earn crap. You just conned someone into leaving you an V account.

The ones who should be up in arms are your alliance mates. People that deserve their ranking. People that put their effort into to fair game play and by putting in the time to be where they are right bow.

Don't come off on me, whining because you've been outed. Don't act like I'm the one in the wrong here. By accepting a higher ranked player's account you've cheapened the game. YOU are the one bringing the game into "disrepute". Don't slag me off, poser.
