Re: klizac [NEM] vs Bobrox2000...TD 328M

Slash wrote:No. I doubt it was a failure at planning. Bob has a hard time keeping a fleet. Real hard time.

And its funny that Captain Capitalization had the nerve to correct my typing.
Why does it matter if he corrected it?

Its not like no one noticed before or anything o.O

I think we all just need to hold hands and sing. Stop this mindless violence! :P

Re: klizac [NEM] vs Bobrox2000...TD 328M

Thanks everyone. You snave especially (i think); I saw him attacking you and the next day he had lost a third of his defense :lol:
I wonder whos fault was that? ;)
Weresloth wrote:Calm down gentlemen. If you can't stay on topic and start a flaming war then I'll have to lock this
I agree with Weresloth. Lets talk about me little bit more.
True friends stab you in the front.