Re: Pulsar v Sprog - Retirement - TD: 44.385.216.000

Yes I am. A little hint for you Thor. See the left hand side of the screen? See my name there? Yes, do you see it????

Here's the hint, under my name, do you see that big banner thing. it says' M O D E R A T O R!

Also, with regards to what you'd do, I don't really care.

I am a player here, the same as you. I am allowed to post, just like you. Do you see where I'm coming from? Probably not.


Re: Pulsar v Sprog - Retirement - TD: 44.385.216.000

Sprog wrote:Hurted? Really Alduin....if you feel the need to be insulting then at least use words that exist....hurted is not a word that is used in modern English.....once again a failed troll :D
ha ha "mr. born in britain"
you've got nothing to say but craps like these
plus i did not insult
i am advising you to act like a big man
and stop moaning
because only childs moan when they get hurt
Light is Easy to Love
Show me Your Darkness

Re: Pulsar v Sprog - Retirement - TD: 44.385.216.000

Alduin the half wit returns to the fore.

Alduin's floccinaucinihilipilification is to be ignored. The guy rarely has anything worthwhile to say. Even if he did, the gibberish he puts on screen rarely makes sense.

Perhaps this will "hurted" his feelings, perhaps he will see this as "craps", probably. But any response from him, I won't bother to take any notice of. Perhaps he will take his "childs" away for some holiday, probably under another bridge somewhere.