Gozar[D.I.E} vs Sycorax[AoD]~TD 409.125.000

Noticed the change of ownership on this account..Checked out Logged's old cords.. and saw time showing at one of his colonies 1st thing this morning.. Waited all day about 8 hrs.. His fleet score never changed in this time.. So without probing I launched the RC and waited till they were only 20 seconds in front of the flight time for my LG.. and launched blind.. My luck was in the result is below..

Many times this has happened a player takes over anothers account and looses the fleet..

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 55.738 units of Metal, 207.980 units of Crystal and 1.930.826 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 409.125.000 units.
A debris field containing 134.431.500 units of Metal and 110.431.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

all df collected.

Glotr Sycorax hope Logged is not to hard on you.

Re: Gozar[D.I.E} vs Sycorax[AoD]~TD 409.125.000

Yuna wrote:
Sprog wrote:Great hit there Gozar........glotr Sycorax/Logged/Graf /Vlad or whoever took over that particular account ;)
logged is logged, Sycorax is logged's RL friend, not Graf, nor Vlad, just in case you were interested ;)
You are quite right......I now know Logged has swapped accounts with Churchill27 and that Sycorax is just a "RL" friend....thanks for clearing that up Yuna :D