Re: ikyan [IB] & Gozar [IB] vs Crushbone [EZT] TD 5.944.877.

lol good hit even if ur a snake,ive done this b4.when i was in speed...most of the time if a player plays 2 universes they have both screens open on browser playing both,u saw he wasent active in speed threw allaince online staus and no movement in x and hit him...the only good thing u really did was pop the right moon...u can deny it but u and i know u did this and thats wrong on so many lvls but good game play..and gozar i still think ur a coward
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: ikyan [IB] & Gozar [IB] vs Crushbone [EZT] TD 5.944.877.

I started a reply to your comments RU but in reflection.. I realised you are just angry with your own lack of abilities in this game... You have to justify to yourself why you could not make it here.

Even Crushbone gave credit to kick fo this add 2 and 2 and make 5..

Your opinion does not matter to me.. My rank proves my ability.. the 4 hits I have in the Top Ten shows the player I am.. Where are your Top Ten hits..? No wait, I forgot you hide in n00b protection... :lol:

Re: ikyan [IB] & Gozar [IB] vs Crushbone [EZT] TD 5.944.877.

Hey Gozar, dont waste your breathe on that guy. He has been a wimpy little nobody with a crybaby mouth ever since he started playing, even way back when he was lordru getting his butt whooped constantly. he really has no value to speak about anybody else. This is a game, tactics are tactics. You guys made the hit..thats all that matters. GLOTR crushbone. BTW RU, i'm still waiting for you to crush me like you said you were gonna do 2 weeks ago.. tick tock, ill be 5x your pathetic points quickly so you are running out of time.

Re: ikyan [IB] & Gozar [IB] vs Crushbone [EZT] TD 5.944.877.

spankie ur nobody,hozar...i mean gozar :? i said good hit, i just told the real storie how he got the hit,funny out of all the post he dident deny it,although to save face he will now prolly make a excuss and deny it now,and ur only numberone cause in the start ppl gave u fleets and such u only made top 10 hits after noone could stop you so ur top tenhits doesnt impress me at all.....anyway good hit kick...o kick dident i show good sportsman ship when u crashed me? anyway spankie if u have passed me in points in 2 weeks ur not going to so talk all u wont,at least i post cb reports and u say i get spanked,plz by all means attack me spankie o wait u cant u only got a 10k fleet funny
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: ikyan [IB] & Gozar [IB] vs Crushbone [EZT] TD 5.944.877.

lol this coming from teh baby that refuses to come out of the crib. yeah i show 10k is the difference between you and talked all kinds of crap about how gozar is a coward, yet you stay in nub status. Then you constantly visit V-mode and tell me how when you get out, your gonna crush me. I will post a cr with me hitting you soon. I may profit 1metal. I may profit 100million, but you will be hit. I dont need anybody's help ingame, im not in an alliance, and im not playing any other server in any other what will be your excuse then? What tears will you cry?

Re: ikyan [IB] & Gozar [IB] vs Crushbone [EZT] TD 5.944.877.

spankie i dont cry when i lose my fleet,ask kick i told him congratz when he got me so y would i cry if u crash ur fleet into one of my unbuilt planets or fleet for that matter,if u do ill say good hit and build another 60k fleet in 2 days not a big deal to me to lose my fleet....o p.s i never said i wasent a noob so if im a noob like u say why is it wrong for me to stay in noob protection? lol idiot
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: ikyan [IB] & Gozar [IB] vs Crushbone [EZT] TD 5.944.877.

I got a congrats on the forums RU, after I explained how I did it, yes, some of the few sportsmanship I have seen from you. You did however say you were quitting the game at that time though I do believe...

Just as well, I really like how you choose to flame all the players that make the hits you wish you could, then insult their attacks when you would do the same.

About being in his alliance on speed, I was asked to join. I did not go hiding into there to escape others or to go after Crushbone. And just as importantly, if you are launching a slow moon destruct at someone, whether they are on or off means nothing, you need to know when they will be back on! Especially when you consider that I do not overkill on moon destructs... ask Crushbone on that one, had it timed in perfectly before he would be back online. Then there was Pheonix and Aurora, I suppose I can magically see when they are on too? Your theories are rubbish, and you know, just as much as I do that this hit had weeks of watching Crushbones times and patterns.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.