RJ Torgard GWD Gozar[I.B] vs kuddlez [sHELL]~TD~27.2 Billion

Where to begin.. kuddlez an old ally and a good friend.. sent a me a message a few days ago..His time in ZE has come to an END... A sad day for ZE and all that know him.. (Going to miss you bro).. RL has to take priority.. Kudz then asked if I would like to take his fleet as a good bye gesture.. Well seeing as he is the best dam Turtle this game has seen.. I spied his planet and cried...One hell of a Defence you had built there bro..

After a number of sims it worked out that as an alliance we could do this favour for him as a team.. So we got the BIG BOYS together and with 10k LF each (our losses) we set off.. The following hit is a good bye post for KUDDLEZ the best TURTLE in ZE.. a new No#2 in the Union of Honor.. Congrats bro..and I wish you luck in what ever you do in life..You never know, you may be back some day.. (Just VM that account and keep a few Rubies..)

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 4508768 units of Metal, 528397 units of Crystal and 608308 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 120.000.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of units.
A debris field containing 1.741.027.500 units of Metal and 735.112.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

All DF collected..

Can't say GLOTR..but again all the best in RL bro..Hope one day you wil be back.... see you on FBook..and stay in touch.

Re: RJ Torgard GWD Gozar[I.B] vs kuddlez [sHELL]~TD~27.2 Bil

Checking earlier today the fleet ranks, I noticed all Heavies from I.B. were missing, knowing what was going to happen I just crossed my fingers and wished them good luck, as they are all dear friends Attackers and defender, I can not hide I was afraid that the ACS Attack engine would mess up at least a couple of the attackers, I am glad the battle was as expected and proved i was wrong about the battle engine.
Now we can say that no one is safe in ZE , since ACS attack is working as should, yeah that is bad news for Turtles but good news for the community as if a decent force join their fleets some of the big Sharks can be beat, so start creating Alliances with willing to learn and grow members and maybe in the near future all the top players will need to be more careful and even FS, that will cost a heck of a lot and we will stop building fleets; you may say that this is impossible, well who knows what happen during the time I.B. was after dexter; knows that now none is unbeatable.

Was a nice battle and I advise everybody not go close where the battle took place as a big back hole was formed, not due the battle but due Kuddlez a dear friend and great player is not there any more.

Kud leave some rubies in your account and go V do not let so much work be deleted, cya soon