Re: xxxxxxxxxxxx vs PK

Description of the tactic used
a)Abuse of name change feature. Offender used the maximum limit of chars allowed at the time to fill it with xxxxxx... The result of this exploit was for us to code a username limit of 15 chars when changing username.
b)Abuse of planet names; Usage of lengthy nonsense names that targetted to spam.
c)Abuse of IPMs. Offender launched multiple missions of 1 missile, targetting again to spam.

Note: We have not counted fleet spamming in it, but it should be avoided as well.

Notice on the tactic for future reference

Any tactic that crosses the in-game border will not be tolerated. To understand the in-game border, think yourself having fun playing the game and in the other end think of you as an Emperor who runs his empire.

In the specific tactic, the Emperor would laugh and rejoice over non meaningful tactics while the player would get fustrated.


General Notices
*It is forbidden to bring any ban issue to the forum. Read here for more details: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3962
*Rules cannot possibly describe all possible offenses. Abusing one part of the game and then claiming it was not in the rules or was not exactly described, will not work here. We will not keep adding rules either just to cover any instance. Use your commons ense to avoid trouble.