The defender has won the battle ! <--for you kuddlez
The attacker has lost a total of 30.000.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 881.450 units.
A debris field containing 12.230.220 units of Metal and 6.273.150 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %
ALL DF recycled
This isn't too big to most of you fella's but i'm extremely happy right now. these REBEL punks have been talk a lot of trash to ETERNA's weakers guys, assuming i'm one of them axandertje launch 4 RIPs at me while i was offline. It's like the chinese food man appearing at you door, handing ya a free dinner no moon though, i have really bad luck with that....
axandertje [REBEL] vs. Lakarin [ETERNA] TD: 30.8 mill
#1Oppose me, you oppose death. Grim Reaper hasn't lost one yet.