axandertje [REBEL] vs. Lakarin [ETERNA] TD: 30.8 mill

The defender has won the battle ! <--for you kuddlez :P
The attacker has lost a total of 30.000.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 881.450 units.
A debris field containing 12.230.220 units of Metal and 6.273.150 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %
ALL DF recycled :D

This isn't too big to most of you fella's but i'm extremely happy right now. these REBEL punks have been talk a lot of trash to ETERNA's weakers guys, assuming i'm one :lol: of them axandertje launch 4 RIPs at me while i was offline. It's like the chinese food man appearing at you door, handing ya a free dinner :dance: no moon though, i have really bad luck with that....
Oppose me, you oppose death. Grim Reaper hasn't lost one yet.

Re: axandertje [REBEL] vs. Lakarin [ETERNA] TD: 30.8 mill

-Death- wrote:nice one and pm me the cords where need a moon ..quick before i fall asleep!

deaths moon shots are 500 battle ships a shot XD

but nice ninja, seeing a lot of these these days

"I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict what they will do. "

Re: axandertje [REBEL] vs. Lakarin [ETERNA] TD: 30.8 mill

No these guys and us have been going back and forth, and last night they ALL practically tried hit us (those of us who are close to or lower to them in points at least). He even probed me, but i guess he assumed his 4 RIPs were enough instead of running a battle sim.... while i enjoy ya'll thinkin' i was clever and pulled a ninja, this fella just crashed his RIP's into a wall built by yours truly. hand delivered one hell of a breakfast :)
Oppose me, you oppose death. Grim Reaper hasn't lost one yet.