top ten hit

zeeks(GRATA) V's Bobrox2000(ZEFA) TD = 4 670 942 700

The attacking fleet fires times for a total of 142.723.924 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 0 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back times for a total of 10.949.288 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 0 points of damage.
The battle ends in a tie !
The attacker has lost a total of units.
The defender has lost a total of 3.657.857.700 units.
A debris field containing 2.228.774.820 units of Metal and 573.790.800 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

Report created in 0.00554609298706 seconds

~50k bs taken out and 90% of deb collected
also ~400mill in resources gained with LC hits.


Re: top ten hit

zeeks wrote:The attacking fleet fires times for a total of 142.723.924 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 0 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back times for a total of 10.949.288 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 0 points of damage.
The RF and the 0 shields bugs me... So am gonna wait for more reviews. ;)
Seasons end.