Shaftoe [VVV] vs Toranell [ETERNA] TD 250M

We met last night, and I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. He told a little bit of a fib, but it was ok, as we all stretch the truth every once in a while. As luck would have it, I happened upon a fleet sitting idle, so with Wagner blaring in the background- ... re=related

Attacker Loss: 7.980.000 Defender Loss:241.949.500
winnings Metal:13.627.000 Crystal:13.627.000 Deuterium:12.574.074
Debris Metal:44.162.700 Crystal:27.993.000

Follow up hits for some more loot:
winnings Metal:7.563.980 Crystal:7.129.024 Deuterium:6.291.769
winnings Metal:3.789.846 Crystal:3.569.088 Deuterium:3.148.396

You smell that? Napalm son. Nothing else in the world smells like that... I love the smell of napalm in the morning.