Gummpy [VVV] vs demonfroggy [AoD] TD 561.870.850

A spy by the Dj man uncovered some cargos with 72 RiPs pearched atop a moon so i pulled out my trusty
to verify targets range and to see if they was still there..sure enough Hotel Froggy was there
well i had to recruit some help and i don't know anyone better than Luke Skywalker at Knockin RiPs from the sky

The battle did come at a cost though as 1 brave recycler pilot threw himself into harms way to Protect luke on his mission. Captain Ipickitup shall be remembered for his short service and dedication.

Born 15:15:05 01/09/2010
Departed 16:12:10 on the same day

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 1642075 units of Metal, 1342687 units of Crystal and 948693 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 15.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 561.855.850 units.
A debris field containing 222.562.560 units of Metal and 114.559.950 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

Thanks DJ and of course Luke!

Glotr demon