Re: Gummpy [VVV] vs Raphael [Senate] 588.245.250

yes rapheal if i had let those rips continue and destroyed your moon and you was attacking a planet with those rips of yours i would have been able to see them on phalanx.

now on the issue of fleetsaving...if you send your fleet FROM your moon on an attack mission to an inactive moon..and then i come in and destroys you moon the fleet will NOT show up on phalanx because a 2nd moon is still involved in the mission..and no moon missions can be phalanxed

you also have recall control of the fleet if you need it back sooner...something you can not have if you use acs defend

Re: Gummpy [VVV] vs Raphael [Senate] 588.245.250

It cant be seen on lanx from the first moon, and I know it cant be seen if its returning from the second moon.
Where the problem lies is theres a couple types of missions that will show up if theyre not moving *from* a moon, and will show up if theyre moving to a moon.

Re: Gummpy [VVV] vs Raphael [Senate] 588.245.250

no mission involving a moon will show up there back or other wise..

what can happen is if someone blows up your moon and another 1 is formed the fleet will show on phalanx as it immediately moved to planet..

example to better explain... you send fleet from Moon A to Planet B that time Moon A is that mission for its duration becomes a Planet A to planet B mission regardless if another moon was formed..thus allowing your fleet to show on phalanx.

Now if you insert in the place of planet B a Moon matter what happens to Moon A you are invisible to phalanx..the only way that fleet shows up is if moon B is destroyed as well...

please refer to the zookon hit on curtis on just that!