Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

mistole wrote:if you were to Ban MOB/TOB whatever...

Does the people who hit them for the millons (billions perhaps?) lose all the res collected?
Well TOB was banned along with his father and my friend for reasons unexplained...And no, SOC will prolly get to keep all that million res even though it was apparently aquired through "cheating".

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

I actually see his point, frankly Id prefer if the mats were removed, giving back SoC only what he needs to replace losses + A small profit margin (10/20%)
Giving the best player in the game a markup like that is majorly unbalanced when it comes from illgotten gains.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

adressor wrote:SoC will keep what he acquired becaue HE made a valid hit. Why would he be punished because somebody else cheated? Oh I cant hit him because HE is a cheater? wtf sense does that make? If that is the case, then I should cheat so nobody can hit me? lol
It's not punishment. I'm saying NOBODY should have that res if HE did indeed "cheat" since that gives SOC an unfair advantage against everyone else. Nobody has yet to find out HOW he cheated if he did. Anyways he's yet to be banned and prolly will never be banned due to lack of valid evidence.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

so, you are saying that if somebody cheats (most of the ppl on the game at this point), then nobody else should gain if they hit them? Just because SoC was able to hit him he should be punished for it? If you were able to hit him, and had made the hit, HONESTLY, would you feel the same way, no way ! And yeah, you might be thinking "yes, i'd give it back", but you wouldnt if you were in SoC's place. Now if SoC were a part of the whole cheating thing, and did it just to profit, that would be a different story.

What unfair advantage? he made a legitimate hit on the guy. MOB CHEATED... not SoC

And now the friend of the cheater is mad and wants the guy that WTFPWNT him to give it back?

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

adressor wrote:so, you are saying that if somebody cheats (most of the ppl on the game at this point), then nobody else should gain if they hit them? Just because SoC was able to hit him he should be punished for it? If you were able to hit him, and had made the hit, HONESTLY, would you feel the same way, no way ! And yeah, you might be thinking "yes, i'd give it back", but you wouldnt if you were in SoC's place. Now if SoC were a part of the whole cheating thing, and did it just to profit, that would be a different story.

What unfair advantage? he made a legitimate hit on the guy. MOB CHEATED... not SoC

And now the friend of the cheater is mad and wants the guy that WTFPWNT him to give it back?
Your logic is seriously flawed. So what you are basically saying is if I attack "cheaters" I can keep the millions of resources they obtained by the means of "cheating" and boost my score to godlike proportions since I made a "valid" hit? Nice to know how you like to increase your score adressor. With how your logic works i'm sure if someone offered you drug money you'd take it. And also why would I be mad? I'm not banned I can still play if I want to. I choose not to though due to how the community operates. There are other games out there that made this game that are less buggy and 10 times better. I only come here just to preserve my good friend's character and to give others who like this game a fighting chance. SOC should replace what was lost and discard the rest.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

Your "friend" will never have the good "character" that you are looking for because he obviously lied and tried to take advantage some way or another.. I dont see you talking about how HE should have given back the illgotten gains. Furthermore, as for me taking drug, worthless try to change the direction and have it pointed away from the PR**K that cheated. Deflection works on some, but the guys in this game are smarter than that lol. Lastly, it is not MY nor any other players job to first determine whether or not the other guy cheated and then divvy up the goods based on some MORALS clause you have wrapped in your biased mind.

If you dont wanna play GTFO imo, and you want to fight the good fight for others? lol, they arent mass cheating, the community will take care of them without your whining and crying for your buddy.

You say there is no evidence of cheating, but you want to have SoC give back resources obtained from illgotten gains? IMO pick a face and stay with it.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs MOB [ZEON] 4.795.300.000

Klax wrote:So what you are basically saying is if I attack "cheaters" I can keep the millions of resources they obtained by the means of "cheating" and boost my score to godlike proportions since I made a "valid" hit?

FYI, SOC did no all of a sudden boost his score to "godlike" proportions because he hit your friend. SOC's score was already high, he was already in top place BEFORE your friend showed up on the scene with the "bug" he was obviously exploiting which according to the rules

2.Bug exploitation
You must not take advantage of any bug found. You have to report bugs immediately to game administration/forums.

is against the rules.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!