Nice hit, SBT, enjoy the profits.
As I read this topic, I think that all that "gay" talk deriving from SBT posting video of female lions, and all answers following that like "now that you 're here it is" are very amusing and fall within the frame of allowable teasing that makes a topic more fun to read. My opinion is that no one had bad intentions here.
Curtis, what's wrong with you? You just got yourself 2 warnings for nothing. Can't you refrain from calling names? You can express your disagreement otherwise, especially here where some flaming is allowed, but calling names will definitely give you a warning.
I think now you are doing well in game, keep your fleet safe and ignore insults.
Re: Sadbutrue[~V~] vs neoshagrath[RAWK] TD 1.794.725.600
#61Destroy it and in three days I will rebuild it