Milito [WOP] vs Payeh5820 [A~O] TD 7.6M

Hey, my first big battle :D and a moon!. glotr, it wasn't much so i'm sure it'll take you no time to recover fully.

The attacker has lost a total of 660.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 7.024.200 units.
A debris field containing 2.659.920 units of Metal and 1.950.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
A moon has formed around the planet _____ [X:XXX:X] !
Report created in 0.00427985191345 seconds

Re: Milito [WOP] vs Payeh5820 [A~O] TD 7.6M

Well done, neighbour!
And no, I don't want to "crash some fleets" with you!!!
Plus, I don't know if you're over 10000 points protection.
I have difficulty in locating you in the ranking board due to that "501 position" bug in the galaxy screen.

A word of advice: It seems you 've got potential, so "stay under the radar" till you grow big.
There are lots of topics in the forums from top ranking players stating how you can do that.
Nice start, keep it that way wisely!

GLOTR Payeh5820!
Destroy it and in three days I will rebuild it

Re: Milito [WOP] vs Payeh5820 [A~O] TD 7.6M

The_Templar wrote:Well done, neighbour!
And no, I don't want to "crash some fleets" with you!!!
Plus, I don't know if you're over 10000 points protection.
I have difficulty in locating you in the ranking board due to that "501 position" bug in the galaxy screen.

A word of advice: It seems you 've got potential, so "stay under the radar" till you grow big.
There are lots of topics in the forums from top ranking players stating how you can do that.
Nice start, keep it that way wisely!

GLOTR Payeh5820!
Thanks a lot, and no, i haven't crossed that line yet (10k points) and won't for a little while longer. Indeed i won't be posting my battles anymore, but this was my first 20% and i just felt like doing it. I'll be extra careful now :).

Re: Milito [WOP] vs Payeh5820 [A~O] TD 7.6M

Istalris wrote:Nice firstie Milito! :) Keep it up and stay safe!

Glotr defender.


Had to edit out the planet name for ya, can't have the personal information on the boards.
Oh, and I thought he did it himself, lol. I was going to congratulate him on doing it!

Either way, its always nice to see the new players posting hits :)

Congrats on the hit, keep it up and you'll be crashing fleets like the top dogs (Note that I am not nor have ever been a "top dog." :(). Like Templar said, stay under the radar and its amazing what you can get done.