I agree with your point of view, Slash, but consider the following sequence of events which was my "nightmare" last Sunday:Slash wrote:Last September a wind storm killed my internet for 5 days. I got reamed big time in another very similar game. I would never use it as an excuse because it's too frail and over used by anyone who forgets to fleet save or fails to do it properly. Based on the times its been used, the internet must go down world-wide on a daily basis at the precise moment an attack unfolds on ZE.The_Templar wrote:I can't say for sure whether this constitutes an excuse, however it's something like an "Act of God" that no one can predict or have any control on.
1. Internet connection goes off.
2. Your fleet lands from fleetsave.
3. Ranking update takes place, and rival fleeters see that your fleet is landed.
4. Rival fleeters see no planet activity.
5. Boom.
Fortunately, in my case, connection was back on after step 3.