Sorry for the delay to post.
First of all congratz for the crash and enjoy the profit. That was the first time I was crashed after more than 12 years playing this kind game
I am happy to inform you that all fleet personal, plus some Scientists on board are fine and soundI will start with a quote:" Henry Ford once said: If I lose all my industries in one day I will rebuild it in 2 days if I have my full staff”
As they used the life pods on time and sad to tell you we lost an old Dinosaur we found on a remote planet completely alone, after months our communication officer find a way to communicate with Gozar ( that was his name he said) he told us that in the start of his life he was a afraid lizard but growing he started eating all neighbors much smaller than him, after no more neighbors he started eating friends and even his brothers and sisters, finally he was alone and very bored on that empty planet.
The first thing I did when I joined this game was to send messages to many old players asking about the Phalanx, I was told by one of the most respected players in this Universe (I was told), Sprog was the only one to answer, I can not find the message but I am sure I misunderstood that recalling a Deploy mission would not be visible.
I will try for a couple of days to get someone to MS me as the only one in my Alliance that could do so is in V mode, if I do not get it I will go V mode until he returns.
Impressive to see 40 k Rips on the way of 2 Moons, by the way does anyone know of any Destroy Mission destroyed due the the back fire….