Jackal (HC) v Devil (ToD) TD: 6,140,579,800

Fleet down and roamer sent due to size ....... the b/e was in my favour for once with just a minor change to usual sim .....

Attacker Loss: 10.400.000 Defender Loss:
winnings Metal:262.180.833 Crystal:98.039.997 Deuterium:195.570.738
Debris Metal:1.952.074.380 Crystal:1.737.673.500

Follow ups netted over....

572 million metal
91 million crystal
182 million deut

d/f collected in full

Glotr Devil

Btw Blackwidow/IamHell/whoever you are........still didn't need any help to crash a fleet, still no-ones puppy as your last pm indicated lol.....and still can't see any of your crashes.....Come out of the closet coward....and out of vmode ideally ;)

Re: Jackal (HC) v Devil (ToD) TD: 6,140,579,800

Looks like a nice hit...with huge spoils...congrats...

Oh have to ask...was the player online...if not...that was really unfair of you..and a no skill hit..after all we are only meant to attack players that are on line and able to lift their fleet when near...or ninja us... at no time are we meant to attack players that are off line...