Re: Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

Edited. Stay on topic warning given you are trolling for the sake of it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with this CR . If you wish to make comments do so on the original post or start a new one

I don't think you thought this through Gozar...... Not to be one pointing fingers but what youve published in everyones view violates the milking laws:

"6. You must not MILK
Every account must be played to its own full benefit. Anything contradicting this is considered MILKING. Any accounts involved in a milking case will be banned permanently game wide (all accounts in all universes).

*No player may knowingly send resources to any player unless it is done during a trade in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums (Trading).
*Once within a 24 hour period, any player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production of each planet to any other player as long as they are in the same alliance.
*Moonshots, DF collection and Mercenary payments are considered as Trading."

Heres the MAIN ONE:
*No player may knowingly send resources to any player unless it is done during a trade in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums (Trading).

You were offering RESOURCES in return for INFO. Information is not considered a RESOURCE by Zorg and thus you were stating that you had the INTENT of giving away RESOURCES FOR FREE and thus BREAKING this rule..........
Last edited by Gozar on Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: warning issued

Re: Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

As Zero Said This is a Rule Breaking
Rules Beside ,

Warning issued trolling

Once again you have posted to replies on this CR both comments totally irelivant to the topic.

and not once have you said Glotr to FleetHound.
Last edited by Gozar on Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: warning issued
Light is Easy to Love
Show me Your Darkness

Re: Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

jim wrote:its really fun to hear this, im almost ready to rumble (:
Attention seeking much? After all the scandal you created last time aswell... IF you are coming back to the game then just ask Dennis for a spare and get on with it rather than post here for posts sake!

Re: Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

Sprog wrote:
jim wrote:its really fun to hear this, im almost ready to rumble (:
Attention seeking much? After all the scandal you created last time aswell... IF you are coming back to the game then just ask Dennis for a spare and get on with it rather than post here for posts sake!
