Gozar[AZGD] vs Medal~TD~11.741.533.300

This is a sad day for me, AZGD and ZE. It started a few weeks back when I received a PM from Medal saying he was done playing the game..

I tried to talk him out of it, but knew deep down Paul's mind was made up.. Suggested he went blue for awhile and gave it some time.. Well sadly he did and still decided to quit the game..

You will surly be missed Paul.. PK taught you well and you honoured him by your game play and sportsmanship.

Now looking over the retirement rules.. (This was no different than Fleethounds hit on CrazyHorse). Paul exited VM and went off line. His fleet was down and I recycled it.. rewards going to all members. According to ZE as I crashed Medal rather than him retiring his fleet into me. Like Crazyhorse he will be able to keep his account active to pop on line every now an then to say hi..

ZE has lost another great player.. Good luck in what ever you do Paul and enjoy your new found freedom in RL..

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 201.360.485 units of Metal, 67.914.226 units of Crystal and 206.577.422 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 11.741.533.300 units.
A debris field containing 3.801.577.980 units of Metal and 3.243.342.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Medal~TD~11.741.533.300

-Content removed ~ Zorg

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Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Medal~TD~11.741.533.300

FleetHound wrote:I miss Paul, he is a great cat and an asset to the game.
You say one thing and do another.. this post is about a great player retiring from the game.. yet you see fit to dishonour him like this.

Sorry Paul..guess you knew it would go like this.. Shame other players could not be more like you.. You will be missed in more ways than you know.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Medal~TD~11.741.533.300


Code: Select all

1.A retirement crash will result in account deletion. If you want to keep your account you must not crash your fleet. 

This looks like a retirement crash to me. The rest details (like he left his fleet and went offline) do not interest us.

If Crazyhorse account, the one you mention was allowed to remain, then the retirement hit was never reported OR overlooked. At any case of these, just report now to webmaster@zorgempire.net and we will take care of it.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Medal~TD~11.741.533.300

Zorg wrote:

Code: Select all

1.A retirement crash will result in account deletion. If you want to keep your account you must not crash your fleet. 

This looks like a retirement crash to me. The rest details (like he left his fleet and went offline) do not interest us.

If Crazyhorse account, the one you mention was allowed to remain, then the retirement hit was never reported OR overlooked. At any case of these, just report now to webmaster@zorgempire.net and we will take care of it.
It also states that:
"Involved accounts that violate this rule, will be terminated."

So if medal got sanctioned, involved account is one who conducted this crash - Gozar, will he be properly sanctioned too?

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Medal~TD~11.741.533.300

Destructi0n wrote:Since it was done conveniently and fully aware of those rules, one would think that said rules will be enforced, it does not state time limit or 24 hours wait process. Or did I oversaw that part?
Which rule exactly is not kept here, dear troll?