Re: MegaMedes(Seven Nation Army) Vs Whoisit(Pirates) MD

First Morgan...I did not launch out of anger.

Second, last time I was against the rules to post PM's in the forums. Since this thread is about me I can not moderate it, no matter how many rules are broken.

Third...I lost 5K what...I knew the risk when I launched...I will rebuild them.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: MegaMedes(Seven Nation Army) Vs Whoisit(Pirates) MD

Black_as_Night wrote:^^ well said chuck, =)

Whoisit i would recommend watching your tone here you are starting to throw insults at those who u dont want to.
And I recommend you refrain from acting as a moderator... I also ask that insults are stopped by all parties..

any further insults will result in a warning being issued.

Back to topic... I for one know what it is to loose RIPS in this manner...bad luck Mega.. that 1% is a killer.


Sorry I did not see the PM that was posted..I Guess this is the blank post from whoisit... As Mega has stated NO PM's are allowed to be posted unless consent is given by both parties... In this case I will give advise as the pm is now removed.. If any further PM's are posted again without the other players permission, it will result in the publisher being issued a forum ban... lets keep mean, but

Re: MegaMedes(Seven Nation Army) Vs Whoisit(Pirates) MD

You may ask yourself, why in the sam hill did he send so many RIPs? Two reasons:

1. No chance for a ninja. Only one person could have ninja'd me by themselves and no chance of that happening.
2. Only a handful of players together could have ninja'd that many RIPs. Again, slim chance of that happening.

Yeah, it ***** to lose RIPs to nothing but bad luck. But, as I stated before, I knew the risk when sending it. I received a tip that I thought was reliable that the moon was being used for FS purposes. Remember, we in speed are not bound by the same rule as in Xtreme. We can do as many MDs in speed as we wish to. Sometimes you push your luck though and I got caught on the first MD against whoisit.

I will rebuild and have begun to do so, and those bright shiny new RIPs will again be used to destroy moons in a system close to
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War