Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Sevatrix no offence I suggest you go through past c/r on a few servers and see what small suicide fleet can do to a big fleet........and JorgeFlawed you have no place crashed an alliance mate, left the alliance and still returned no d/f...your comments are invalid and so should your "new" account to all others who have commented or will comment I suggest you look at your own alliance rules before passing judgement....and even some of the decisions you have made in the to stop anymore trolling and plain daft comments (bearing in mind hindsight etc) I suggest that this post be left as is until the only person it really concerns makes their own comments...and that is Flapper himself....and tbh I would understand if he didn't bother....seems it would only add more fuel to the all seem to miss the point that this post was originally intended to make things transparent for all to see.....

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Sevatrix wrote:Small point but quite relevant. Who outside AZG can kill a 5.5 Mille fleet without losses or with little losses? No one.

you have not heard of ACS attack... there are 6 fleets out there (not in AZGD) of equal strength or near enough (3 of these fleets are in MOC) to Flappers... let a lone another 10 or 12 that are half way... if just 5 of them ACS attacked him Flapper the result would have been the same...

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Forum Moderator: The Wise One ~ Gale Points:10

I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight. May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I surely will not.

your words not mine...and you say my logic is flawed..

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Pardon me then. I forgot about the ACS factor and also didnt know they were that many fleets of equal strength. Nice hit although it didnt really require work, GLOTR flapper.
When one man rises.. The other falls...
Know that if your fleet has been spotted it will fall, no matter the cost or time..

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

what know one has seen is... if I had done the so called suicide rips to clean his fodder ( and returned the DF )

then that would have shown on the raid table/attackers then everyone would have know he was offline..and raided the sh*t out of him or..ACS attacled his then weakened fleet...

what we had here was a no win...situation... apart from the action taken...

what I am thinking is the majority that a screaming foul...are p*ssed that they missed a chance to do the same and have lost out... in which case Flapper would not have had his DF returned...

What I am seeing here is a lot of supposed adults acting like children at the 1st opportunity to shout foul/wrong you should have done this... blaa blaa blaa..

I will say this only once keep this on track.. drop any personal remarks.. If anyone thinks that any action take is against the rules please report it to ZE..

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Without knowing the time Flapper would be back it really was a crap situation where you could only choose the lesser of 2 evils ( Which was pulling the trigger yourself)

That is to say nothing of the rules are rules aspect of it, if Flapper agreed that fleet down offline = recycled by Alliance then he knew what he was getting in too. Let's also consider that Flapper has not posted, he has an account and I imagine he would have had he felt like he had been cheated somehow. His silence would indicate to me that everything is as expected.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Gozar wrote:

you have not heard of ACS attack... there are 6 fleets out there (not in AZGD) of equal strength or near enough (3 of these fleets are in MOC) to Flappers... let a lone another 10 or 12 that are half way... if just 5 of them ACS attacked him Flapper the result would have been the same...
Well, I don't do anything on the forums anymore, but this was brought to my attention and I figured I would throw my two cents in...

First you guys haven't played a lot with acs attack I take it, as it is broken. Run the sims of a fleet, lets say 50k lunars 20k dessies, 35k recyclers and 20k LF's, and put it up against 200k lunars and see what kind of losses there is, roughly 35k lunars lost for the attacker...

Now take that same fleet and attack it with acs attack, using the same 200k lunars for one player and hell lets say you add 3 other players with 75k each. You will actually end up with the same losses as you would if you only used the original 200k.

This was brought up in the bugs section and we were told it's not correct, but it's 100% correct, feel free to PM me and I'll send you a CR of it.

Now back to the original point, things could have been dealt with better, and Flapper didn't need to lose 1/3 of his fleet. I can't take Gozars side or everyone elses here, because lets face it, I could give two **** about what goes on in Xtreme, I just wanted to show that the ACS attack argument is moot.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Sprog wrote:and was as per alliance rules as it always was with EZT when PK was in fact PK never left it that long before reacting.......
Lets keep pk out of this conversation shall we? we are talking about 30 million point ACS defend vs pks the then 8 million fleet point.

at that time there were 2 fleets and a combined fleet of 3 players who could have taken out PK's fleet. so ACS defend really was not an option. We have seen what that does to a player way too many times, sloth has tried to do that to protect his fellow weaker players and paid the price.

but we are talking about 30 million ACS defend against the nearest 4-6 million attack. even if you think that ACS attack can be considered as an option at the time of heat the total ACS attack was possible by on 4 players and the combined fleet point is not even over 15 million. its not even more than 12 million to be honest. so yeah from my understanding considering all that, a roamer + a RIP acs defend all of it could have been managed.

also no one could have taken out flappers fleet without roamers. you do not put 5 million fleet against 5 million fleets. so if there was an acs attack there wd have been roamers all around that coordinate. and to be fair at this stage flapper probably didnt even get probed by more than 2 person outside azg, cause simply put it was impossible to learn if he was playing dead or not. and when gozar placed a roamer next to flapper it can be said that a possible attack on flapper is absurd.

anyways those were just my two cents on the matter of bringing out pk. all that i said probably would have taken pk 2-3 seconds to process at best or he didnt even had to process and deduce, big guy is naturally intuitive. thats the difference pk and rest of us. his records are squicky clean.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Sprog could there be more dots in your posts?
Azgd will get away with the murder they do. Keep hitting your own buddies, and make whatever defense you like. I'm sure flapper feels great just being in the same alliance happy to give you his lunch money.