So I landed my fleet and started building and raiding when I saw this little tasty treat, and without a guard! So naturally I scan again and launch. As my fleet gets closer I scan again and nothing is gone or added and I start jumping up and down with excitement and fear. Well, a little later I see the combat report and I couldn't help but grin.
3.488.083 3.488.083 1.357.079
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 16.875.000 units.
Debris Field: 4.500.000 4.500.000
Info: The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
And collected most of the DF and have follow ups on the way to clear up what's left!
Re: LordBoethiah (EZT) Vs. VLOfficial (WRAITH) TD: 16.875.00
#2Uber gratz but in future..maybe kinda wanna 'WAIT' until you are actually done cleaning the plate before alerting the dogs of war dinner is served!!
Re: LordBoethiah (EZT) Vs. VLOfficial (WRAITH) TD: 16.875.00
#3Friend told me to post it for him XD I'll pass the word along.