Gozar [AZGD] vs Thorr [EZT]~TD~18,918,508,350

I have avoided posting to much on here but feel Thorr deserves a mention for his loss...

The event unfolded thus... I was scanning for resources on inactives... I discovered 3 planets with over 10kk on each... I also knew the raid king had a colony close by...so I probed him to see if he had fleet there to beat me to it... I was surprised to find his entire fleet down with huge resources..about 7 Billion in total...

working the sim I could have zero losses with rips but this would require him being off line for nearly 2hrs... so decided to send a colony and do a LG + fodder hit..with the help of an ally I got a moon and the following is the result.. I was lucky enough to get the 4 follow up waves seeing as he had nearly 6k plasmas and over 100k LL on his moon... Thow I lost nearly 5 billion the DF and the resources captured more than cover my losses..

I spoke to Thorr after the hit ...I am sorry you had RL issue...hope this is all sorted now...

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 395.959.833 units of Metal, 395.959.833 units of Crystal and 395.959.833 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 4.437.480.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 14.481.028.350 units.
A debris field containing 6.370.724.160 units of Metal and 4.705.460.850 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

follow ups.
Attacker Loss: 298.900.000 Defender Loss:295.800.000
winnings Metal:539.306.000 Crystal:539.306.000 Deuterium:539.306.000
Debris Metal:91.524.000 Crystal:87.816.000

Attacker Loss: 8.160.000 Defender Loss:178.260.000
winnings Metal:333.338.000 Crystal:333.338.000 Deuterium:333.338.000
Debris Metal:2.448.000 Crystal:2.448.000

Attacker Loss: 3.702.000 Defender Loss:135.920.000
winnings Metal:523.895.567 Crystal:523.895.567 Deuterium:255.426.803
Debris Metal:1.110.600 Crystal:1.110.600

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:156.097.000
winnings Metal:993.784.149 Crystal:466.225.580 Deuterium:127.713.401
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

All DF was collected...

A huge GLOTR and I know you will have a fast rebuild..