Perses [Chosen] vs. Amar TD: 3.314.926.400

Wow, how many more of these do I have to post before you turtles learn? No shell is going to save your fleet, I took this one by myself. If needed, I could have called on anyone of my mates and they would have been more than happy to help. Please, start to fleetsave so I am not tempted so much:

Attacker Loss: 273.712.500 Defender Loss:
winnings Metal:2.559.772 Crystal:906.059 Deuterium:7.356.418
Debris Metal:371.512.440 Crystal:192.690.600

Aerospace Control Recycling Report
You collect; 371.512.440 units of Metal and 192.767.600 units of Crystal.

GLotR Amar.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War