Big-Fat-Cow [Chosen] vs. Starhooker TD: 499.395.000

First of all, I like starhooker. :D

How many times have I missed him? Lost count. lol and last time I attacked him, this happened ... =36&t=9399 where I lost 200m worth of ships.

This morning I went with my gut, launched a super long range (210 systems away) attack.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 8.333.333 units of Metal, 8.333.333 units of Crystal and 8.333.333 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 499.395.000 units.
A debris field containing 142.740.000 units of Metal and 136.200.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

You receive 134.158.333 units of Metal, 38.178.081 units of Crystal and 55.863.928 units of Deuterium.
You receive 134.033.333 units of Metal, 19.089.040 units of Crystal and 27.931.964 units of Deuterium.
You receive 127.560.936 units of Metal, 9.544.520 units of Crystal and 13.965.982 units of Deuterium.
