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Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:57 pm
by Rjsturgill
I Destruction declare war on Surreal Relativity, Im bored and feel like a certain cocky player needs to be bashed to hell. anyhow lets do it.

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:40 pm
by Lycantro
Rjsturgill wrote:I Destruction declare war on Surreal Relativity, Im bored and feel like a certain cocky player needs to be bashed to hell. anyhow lets do it.
I retract my statement. I meant no offense, and I did not realize the extent of Destruction's power, though I did not mean to sound as I did. I was hoping to avoid this war at all costs, and that was the only reason I posted what I did.

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:46 pm
by pupairo12
Lycantro, at this point I'd like you not to make statements like that. It makes him angry :P

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:47 pm
by Joshanddrew
Lycantro wrote: I see no reason for war, and if the whole alliance teams up on you, your going to need months to rebuild.
thats pretty damn cocky to me...Go destruction:P

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:51 pm
by Rjsturgill
Lycantro wrote:
Rjsturgill wrote:I Destruction declare war on Surreal Relativity, Im bored and feel like a certain cocky player needs to be bashed to hell. anyhow lets do it.
Dude, chill out. ShoQ was not being cocky, he was being confident. I see no reason for war, and if the whole alliance teams up on you, your going to need months to rebuild.

I hope you have a lot of back up with statements like that

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:28 am
by Lycantro
I underestimated you gravely, and the rest of my alliance explained it to me. I was using the growth pattern of SpacemanSpiff and ShoQ to try and figure out where I should be at any place in time, but your growth appears to be exponential. I hope we can come to be on good terms. And I did not mean to sound cocky, I simply wanted this resolved without the need for this war, so I was worried about all parties involved.

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:04 am
by Joshanddrew
Lycantro wrote:I underestimated you gravely, and the rest of my alliance explained it to me. I was using the growth pattern of SpacemanSpiff and ShoQ to try and figure out where I should be at any place in time, but your growth appears to be exponential. I hope we can come to be on good terms. And I did not mean to sound cocky, I simply wanted this resolved without the need for this war, so I was worried about all parties involved.
*TRANSLATED*----i saw rankings page and shat myself....

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:47 am
by ShoQ
I think you are overreacting way to much RJ. If you wanted my fleet, you could have just said so. Declaring war on the whole alliance because i asked if i was commiting a crime, by giving moonshots to Jordan. is like..... I dont even have words for that.

You said i was cocky. Please look in the mirror. You will probably get my fleet no matter what i do. Cause thats how it goes when RJ is hunting you.

But just remember one thing, even though you have a godlike power on this game. It doesnt make you a god.
And you cannot deny my own free will. If i wanna give Jordan a moonshot, cause im a nice guy. You are no one
to stop me from doing that. Even with your amazing force.

My believes are that you are reacting like a spoiled child, who got to much power, that he cannot control. You cannot
dictate as a ruler in an online game. I've had fun with this game, untill you came along all the time.

So in a way you ruin this game for me. And i know many others feel the same. But don't wanna say it, cause they
are affraid they will get bashed, and have no fun at all.

You have the power to ruin the game for other people, who are very dedicated to this game. If you wanna keep doing
that. Please be my guest on raping all my planets to 0 points. If you do so, i can already guarantee you i wont play this game anymore, and you have completed your goal.

I know i have been kicking other peoples fleet, just like you are kicking mine. But i have never bashed a person to the ground just cause i could and i felt like doing it. Besides this, i also never pretended to be a dictator who can bash anyone, if he gets in my way. Therefor i can never respect you in this game. (but i guess you dont care about that). Even in the Zorg community, if a powerfull player becomes to strong, and dictates the weak to much.
He will ultimately lose his power. In this case, zorg empire will eventually die, cause no one wants to play anymore.
So be wise with what you do with this power, cause you can make the biggest diffrence in changing the speed server.

Your fellow strong members already made a very good geisture to the community. I suggest you do the same, and stop
your own arrogance.
Everytime you look at someone else, and talk about them being cocky and arrogant. Please reflect to yourself first, on what you are doing.

i will define the word arrogance and cocky for you:
arrogance - overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors.
Cocky - excessively proud of oneself

If you see something that comes to your mind after i wrote this post please tell me.

This was all i had to say, before i go down with my sinking ship, since i know i will go down
after i write this msg. But i guess i will go down with cockyness. Excessively proud, of
what i've reached in ZE.



Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:00 am
by Rjsturgill
My fellow strong members have gone out to "Teach" as it was something i wanted them to do. obviously you wouldn't have any idea about that however. you can think all you want, but im not concerned about your thoughts what so ever, its a game, not my fault I apparently know it better then you and many others. If you can't take losing your fleet, don't play that is all i have to say.

Re: Destruction vs Surreal Relativity

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:11 am
by ShoQ
I guess you have misunderstood my whole msg.

The Thrive behind the teaching i did not know, so you made your point there.

But your narrow minded view, of that you are better then others, is just... funny.
Just think of what i said of Arrogance and cockyness and look at what you wrote,
instead of what i wrote.

I dont care if you take out my fleet. I do care about how you treat people in ZE.
Even though its an online game. You cannot dictate people, in obeying your rules.
Giving people a bone (teaching) and bashing them to hell afterwards, doesnt make
the ZE community better does it?

If you cannot see that, then i have wasted my time.