United federation of allies vs Microsoft Inc.

after carefull deliberation by the senate of United federation of allies there has been decided to declare war on Microsoft Inc. alliance becaus they have stolen our sword from our alliance page made by the former members of the united forces of B-VR-L us!!!and didn't put our name under it this has made some senators angry
a message has been send to the leader
terms of surrender the losing party will disband or just surrender all the same to me
may the best win strenght and honour to the federation
Last edited by atlervetok on Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: United federation of allies vs Microsoft Inc.

atlervetok wrote:terms of surrender the losing party will disband
Istalris wrote:War endings

-A war is ended following any of these three conditions:

* One party surrenders, who is then declared the loser.
* One alliance disbands, who is then declared the loser.
* Both alliance leaders or alliance leader and the warring individual, agree to a mutual peace and declare it in this forum. In which case, the war is declared a draw.

-Players may not decide upon their own terms of war that are in violation of these rules.
Bashing rule will be lifted in 24 hours. Good luck gentlemen.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: United federation of allies vs Microsoft Inc.

atlervetok wrote:after carefull deliberation by the senate of United federation of allies there has been decided to declare war on Microsoft Inc. alliance becaus they have stolen our sword from our alliance page made by the former members of the united forces of B-VR-L us!!!and didn't put our name under it this has made some senators angry
a message has been send to the leader
terms of surrender the losing party will disband
may the best win strenght and honour to the federation
Maybe they just copied it off the internet? Can you even attack most of their members? Good luck to Microsoft at 10:1 points, hope you guys get some help :)

Re: United federation of allies vs Microsoft Inc.

atlervetok wrote:its for the weaker players to train and it could be that he found it on the internet but doubt it

Ahsan800 is merc for my alliance
If you post on his behalf, you will be immediately banned. You may not post any combat reports he has performed for your alliance either.

Re: United federation of allies vs Microsoft Inc.

Slash wrote:
atlervetok wrote:its for the weaker players to train and it could be that he found it on the internet but doubt it

Ahsan800 is merc for my alliance
If you post on his behalf, you will be immediately banned. You may not post any combat reports he has performed for your alliance either.
Then what is the point of having him merc for them :? And why would he need to, I know ahsann cant type, but Im pretty sure he can copy/paste CRs :?

Re: United federation of allies vs Microsoft Inc.

atlervetok wrote:its for the weaker players to train and it could be that he found it on the internet but doubt it

Ahsan800 is merc for my alliance
Atler, I respect you and like you, but this is ridiculous. If the war is for your weaker players to develop (however that may be), then why hire a mercenary?
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.