Re: curtis vs urwierdsaysi

Sadbutrue wrote:where are all the combat reports?
just a "word" war i guess, so there will be no combat report ;)

but may be some trolling/spamming/flaming report :roll:

Re: curtis vs urwierdsaysi

Nice job :) I apparently forgot how to count when I timed my fleet-save. I was off by literally 20 minutes and I had a dentist appointment today, so I had to just let it sit.

Grats on the hit.

Re: curtis vs urwierdsaysi

LOL. Don't flatter yourself. I've taken larger hits before. This is a setback, at most. The only thing of any value I lost was the LC. Which I'm rebuilding anyways. And I had too many for my purposes.

You just put me back like a day or two, thats all.

Re: curtis vs urwierdsaysi

Well, I don't really call that a fleet. o.O I call that a transport.

I'm just going to guess that Plan B involves you firing missiles at me until the end of time?